Swinger Dinger – IOTW Report

Swinger Dinger

Daily Dot

Legal YouTuber Nick Rekieta and his wife Kayla were arrested last Thursday on charges of drug possession, firearm possession, and child endangerment. 

According to a search warrant filed by the detective who searched the couple’s home, the police built their drug case based on a review of videos and streams Rekieta posted of himself showing him deteriorating over January to May.

“In videos from [that time period] … Nicholas appears to have lost weight, appears tired, and overall appears ‘strung out,’ common with controlled substances users,” wrote the Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office detective who filed the warrant, which was posted to social media yesterday. The Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to the Daily Dot in an email that the search warrant was a true and accurate copy. More

Youtubers have been using the Rekietas and Imholtes as Lolcows for weeks. Bearing, The Quartering and host of others have all generated content from Rekieta’s decline and now fall.

19 Comments on Swinger Dinger

  1. Sounds to me like the ‘detective’ found out they were Trump supporters with more than a month’s supply of Aspirin, a loaded .22 in the closet and a refusal to allow their 9 year old to have a trans-gender operation.

  2. Rekieta I think actually was kind of starving as a lawyer, started doing legal shows on youtube and covering trials, his first big one was Rittenhouse trial. I used to really like him, he was very conservative and a Christian family man. Then he started seeming like a drunk, his shows started becoming vulgar and I quit watching. Then right before he was arrested I saw people covering a stream he did where he looked like shit. Couldn’t read comments his voice was so slurred and had white powder on his nose. Then he thought he had turned the camera off and looked like he was jacking off.
    They were saying he was a coke addict, then he was arrested and it came out he had been swinging and his wife was also doing coke.
    I guess people from his Church and his in-laws went to the cops worried about the kids, they have 5 from the ages of 6 to 16. I guess kids were coming to school, which I think was actually more like a Co-op as they were home schooled, with the same clothes, smelled and were saying they were hungry and not getting fed.
    Cops started investigating, found his streams, got a warrant and found the coke.

    It’s sad that someone would mess up their life as an adult who should know better than to ever snort that first line and to decide their life isn’t spicy enough and has another man and woman in their bed, watching the other guy screw his wife all the while the kids are in the house.
    I guess on one stream he also stuck a bottle up his butt while he was high or so it is being said.

  3. I don’t know who they are either, but The real story is the Sheriff was able to get a search warrant based on the guy “appearing to be strung-out”. WTF?

  4. ORWW,

    Something about Lubin’ Tubin’ being a Broadcast TV broadcasted cultural legal analysts for current tv viewers kind of sums the whole sh#tty-ness of the whole Hollywood info-tainment industry in a NUTshell.


  5. There is some effeminate dude making the rounds on the chans,
    Wears a pearl necklace

    Next to him
    An Asian chick with a perpetual sour grimace and a chip on her shoulder to boot

    Next to her
    Multiple, multiple Bozo The Clown Red Pink Blue Green and Purple Dyed Hair freaks. It’s F ing Roman Caligula Coliseaum Shakespearean all rolled into one big All The Worlds A Stage And Everyone Wants To Be Players Drama Queen Stages.

    Holy Smokes.

    Did I spot the Snakes?

  6. Tesla Asks:

    Whose that one on msNBC that looks like she stuck her salad fork in an outlet?

    The hair is standing up not quiet 240 Volt 3-phase Bride of Frankenstein, but more like 110v with with lots of starch or other man-made product to maintain earth eco-friendliness.

    Not hype
    Go look

    Somebody needs to archive these specimans

  7. Ozempic…It’s a helluva drug.

    Sorry, that’s about as current as I can get on pop culture. I’ll have to ask my wife about this Rektika fellow, although she’s been acting more her age lately.

  8. There’s enough shame to go around in this one. Lawyer finds success on YouTube covering the Depp/Herd divorce, gets a following then starts swinging with another Youtuber and wife.

    The police intervene when a preschool teacher at the church reported to the pastor signs of neglect the pastor reports to the police and law enforcement starts their investigation.

    Watch the clip from Bearing if you want more background. The Quartering takes the police intervention side of the story. A lot of people making content off of the moral collapse of others are nothing but culture vultures.

    Add it all up and it’s a story worth your attention. From how easy it is to f*ck up one’s life with loads of hubris to the public spectacle to the shameless making of their nickels and dimes off of someone else’s misery slaving away on YouTube’s content mines.

    Plenty of disgust to spread far and wide on this one.

  9. Watch out for some of those Save the Kids grifters.
    That fake patriot Nawlins clown in the US flag getup, a 70 year old grifter, is hooked up with a pink haired tatted up 30 something freak chick who is also hooked up with other Save The Kids Grift podcasts. Just Send Your Cash agendas.

    Everything is a scam. Why? Because everyone is GRIFTING.
    Especially the Churches.
    Particularly the Churches.

    Those Texas Tennessee Carolina Churches have franchised their way across America.

    They are Con-Artists. Some more practiced than others.

    PS: A well known money grubbing grifter from kalifornia silly con days has made a long career living off internet grifts. It must have slowed down (the income stream) over the years. I stopped caring when he turned anti-Trump (and listening). Just recently re-found the stream and holy sh#t!!!, the dude has turned to religion grifting. I couldn’t beleve it.

    This turd has pushed everytjing queer and trans for decadrs. PUSHED it. Pushed it in the form of decryin it. He wasn’t decrying it. He was PROMOTING it by weekly weekly weekly re-running the topics. By ingraining it into the subconscious.

    They claim to be doing good works.
    They are Not.

    That’s how GUTFELD got the TRANNY sh#t going.
    That was Guttfelds doing with Kat Timpf.
    Go back and check the record.
    Remember the big tit shop teacher?
    He PUSHED that crap for nearly 2 years.

    Remember, Fox News, msNBC and CNN
    THEY have ulterior motives.
    Mostly financial

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