Switzerland Dumps the Jab – IOTW Report

Switzerland Dumps the Jab

This is gonna piss off big pharma and Dr. Ouchey


Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health said no COVID-19 vaccination is recommended this spring/summer season, including for people at high risk of becoming seriously sick from the virus. 

“Nearly everyone in Switzerland has been vaccinated and/or contracted and recovered from COVID-19. Their immune system has therefore been exposed to the coronavirus,” the Swiss health agency said.

Health officials predicted that the virus will circulate less this summer and cause “rather mild illness.” 

The vaccination recommendation will be evaluated for the fall and updated as needed.

People who are considered to be high-risk, including those over the age of 65, those with a chronic condition and pregnant women, are able to receive a vaccination after consulting with their doctors, but the vaccine is “not currently recommended,” Swiss officials said.


4 Comments on Switzerland Dumps the Jab

  1. I’ve read in other sources that the doctors that do prescribe the jab in Switzerland will also be held liable for any damage the “vaccines” cause. So I’m guessing that there actually won’t be any more COVID jabs given in Switzerland at all because someone will actually be liable for the damage they are known to cause. Maybe they’ll get around to the companies that make the jabs being held liable at some point.

  2. ^^ Link to info re above post.

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