Syria bombs Palestinian refugee camp 220 times, and nobody cares – IOTW Report

Syria bombs Palestinian refugee camp 220 times, and nobody cares

American Thinker: The media and political elites who pose as defenders of the poor beleaguered Palestinians don’t care about them at all.  They are merely pawns in an effort to rid the world of Jews, starting with the half of world Jewry living in the historic homeland of Jews, Israel.  This has been proven beyond a doubt by the reaction – really a lack of any reaction – to Syria’s bombing of a large Palestinian settlement, in the course of that nation’s civil war and ongoing ethnic cleansing of Sunni Muslims, who stand in the way of Iran’s effort to establish a Shia client state in Syria, so as to be able to destroy Israel. read more

6 Comments on Syria bombs Palestinian refugee camp 220 times, and nobody cares

  1. People would care if they hit somethin’….They’re just gettin’ close enough to pissin’ off those hebrews and that ain’t good for the palestinians….or the Syrians…

  2. Even if no one else cared about the Palestinians, their fellow Arabs would. That’s why the countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Egypt, and many others have provided unlimited financial support and opened their borders to all Palestinians who wish to flee their homeland and resettle as immigrants in those countries, in order
    to begin a new life.

    Oh, wait —


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