Syrian Warfare Video Game Gets Slapped With Cease and Desist – IOTW Report

Syrian Warfare Video Game Gets Slapped With Cease and Desist

Yes, somebody made a real-time shooter computer game based on the current mess in the state of Syria.  Some would call it wildly inappropriate to create a computer game attempting to make a buck off of the ongoing violence and suffering that’s still happening.  Others would tell you it’s just a game and a person has the free speech right to offer it for sale.

Whichever side you agree with, the game was pulled yesterday by Steam after someone filed a copyright infringement claim against the game makers.  The game designers say it’s false and are willing to go to court to defend the originality of their work.  There are accusations that the complaint was designed to get the game pulled by someone who took offense and lied abut the infringement.

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The link to the Syrian Warfare forum on Steam where an offended party boasts about making a takedown request Here

An interview with the creators the day before the game was withdrawn Here