Systemic Racism Responsible Now For A “Nature Gap” – IOTW Report

Systemic Racism Responsible Now For A “Nature Gap”

Gateway Pundit

report published by Outside Interactive alleged that America’s historically racist policies have contributed to “the nature gap,” resulting in black Americans having less enjoyment of the so-called “great outdoors.”

Erin Key, the report’s author, is pushing for minorities to use their free time outdoors in nature through the use of grants and advocacy work. She does not, however, mention that there are no modern laws prohibiting non-whites from visiting public nature sites. More

27 Comments on Systemic Racism Responsible Now For A “Nature Gap”

  1. Since 76% of Black families are headed by single females who might not be excited about trudging through the woods with the kiddos, or putting up a tent ……….. It costs $$ to go camping…tent/motor home/ , flashlights/lamps, sleeping bags, etc. and of course a way to motor to the ‘outdoors’.
    Just going on a nature hike requires one to get there first, hauling food/water, other things.
    Let’s be honest here: enjoying the outdoors is costly, enjoyed mostly by men (fishing , hunting, biking), and requires adults willing to take risks.

  2. For all you urban dwellers venturing out into nature, we have a real nice line in bacon-scented bear spray and sun tan lotion, made with all-natural ingredients like Toxicodendron

  3. What are they talking about? All drive by shootings happen hanging out of a car in the great outdoors spraying bullets. If anything they spend too much time outdoors.

  4. Blacks don’t get along with Whites
    Blacks don’t get along with Asians
    Blacks don’t get along with each other
    Blacks don’t get along with Nature
    Ya know… if I didn’t know any better I’d say there’s a pattern here…

  5. I work with a black guy who has visited every national park in the US at least once, every single one. He also raised three boys on his own, and none of them is a loser. Un-fucking-believable the stupid shit the comes out of CRT.

  6. I’d like to take a pack of liberals deep inside the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest and then watch them wet themselves when I say ” Okay, find your way out”. To most of those weenies the great outdoors is a tourist trap vista point that you drive up to and take a couple selfies and then go out for lunch at Cracker Barrel.

  7. I’ve noticed that other races are spending less time in City parks due to Democrats pet constituencies either using them to set up drug addict camps (They are drug camps by their own admission. They applied for a federal grant and in the grant application they stated that 80% of their pet constituents are drug addicted and that is why they are living in “homeless” camps).

  8. News Flash! The networks are now reporting that its whiteys fault that Blacks have to take a dump everyday (toilets are racist and most are white)! The proof is in the poop so to speak!

  9. @ TheMule JULY 23, 2021 AT 3:01 PM

    Bingo! The black families I am friends with plan their vacations and weekends around outdoor activities such as fishing, hunting, hiking and visiting natural areas. The Indian families I know it is nothing for them to saddle up their horses and head off into the wilderness for weeks at a stretch.

  10. I was working in DC the year the 17 year cicadas came out. I was riding my Triumph Bonneville at the time — so that places the year 2006, 2007?

    Anyway, the negroes were going completely apeshit. Screaming, running into the streets, smashing bodily into buildings to get away from these silly little bugs.

    Maybe the great outdoors ain’t quite the thing for the average negro.

  11. They were the red-eyed cicadas. And pretty big — a third bigger than the yearly type. I had only seen them once before. And there were millions of them.

    The yearly ones you hear but rarely see. These 17 year mofos were swarming. Every tree in DC was covered in their shed skins. Covered.

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