progs – IOTW Report

Hillary Loses the Left

Monday, 7 November 2016, 8:00 MJA 8

Breitbart: While Donald Trump has been consolidating his base of support, the opposite appears to be happening for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who seems to be hemorrhaging supporters from her [Read More]

The Left Is Eating Itself

Monday, 22 June 2015, 11:00 Cardigan 13

Frontpage: In the hot days of summer, the progressive revolution that took over cities and even the national government is frenziedly devouring itself.

In The End, It’s Up To Us

Saturday, 20 June 2015, 18:00 Cardigan 7

Springer’sBlog- When 4 Americans murdered in Benghazi were repatriated at Andrews Air Force Base, the Secretary of State looked right into the faces of the grieving families and lied, telling [Read More]