stupid – IOTW Report

Lara Trump for the Win

Sunday, 21 April 2024, 21:00 Dr. Tar 15

Newsweek ‘What is stupid is voting for a party that hates you and hates this country. What’s stupid is voting for a party that ultimately wants the destruction of America [Read More]

Law of Stupidity

Tuesday, 14 February 2023, 18:00 Dr. Tar 23

Watch this short video and then answer the following multiple-choice question. Which group is the stupidest: a.) The transgender who have themselves mutilated and neutered. b.) Marxists who have killed [Read More]

The Stupid Candidate

Saturday, 9 July 2016, 14:30 Dr. Tar 14

To believe FBI Director James Comey’s assertion that Hillary Clinton lacked a sophisticated understanding of how e-mails or classification of information works one would have to conclude that the former [Read More]

Stupid Study, Literally

Sunday, 6 December 2015, 20:00 Dr. Tar 4

Researchers in Hungary examined how people assessed whether a particular act was stupid or not. They found people tend to agree at rates of 90 percent in judging someone acting [Read More]