Taiwan Blames the WHO’s Relationship with China for Failure to Act on Early Warnings of WuhanVirus – IOTW Report

Taiwan Blames the WHO’s Relationship with China for Failure to Act on Early Warnings of WuhanVirus

100% Fed Up: Taiwan is questioning the relationship between the World Health Organization (WHO) and China. The problem is that the WHO failed to act on early warnings of human-to-human contagion of coronavirus.

Health officials alerted the WHO about the coronavirus in late December last year, but no reports were made to other countries, according to National Review reports.

Taiwanese officials warned the WHO in December, but China waited until January 20th to report human to human transmission of coronavirus. Taiwan’s vice president and former health minister said that “an opportunity to raise the alert level both in China and the wider world was lost” when the Taiwanese warning wasn’t heeded by the WHO. read more

2 Comments on Taiwan Blames the WHO’s Relationship with China for Failure to Act on Early Warnings of WuhanVirus

  1. China has engaged in massive bribery of Americans since paying off bill clinton in the 90’s. The democrat party, the GOPe, hollywood, our schools and ‘news’ are in their pockets. In other words, they are paid agents of a hostile power.

    Clinton armed the chicomms with our missle tech, creatimg the superpower that china now is. He sold us out for money. Hillary clinton continues the crime, being the chicomm mouthpiece.


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