Take a peek at Starbucks’ sensitivity training – IOTW Report

Take a peek at Starbucks’ sensitivity training

This is probably pretty accurate.

Great find by illustr8r-

30 Comments on Take a peek at Starbucks’ sensitivity training

  1. Mr. Illustr8r didn’t know about the Starbucks kerfuffle and went there to hibernate while I took his Mom fancy dress shopping today. They were closed. He read their explanation of why that was posted on the door and he came back and said it made no effin’ sense and was a bunch of libtard double speak that he couldn’t decipher because he’s not an idiot. 😂

  2. Racial sensitivity training… This after the arrest of two black men…

    Regardless where the arrest was made: At starbucks. Not at starbucks. What kind of a corporation closes its doors for a day to ensure non-law abiding citizens who were arrested don’t get arrested in the future? A corporation who doesn’t want their customers to follow the law.

    Try the same with a couple white dudes arrested for the same crime. Yeah, it doesn’t work.

    I vow to not follow the law while at starbucks. I get it. It’s now personal. Too bad I don’t go there.

  3. What twists my drawers was the speed at which the corp bigs threw the manager under the bus.
    She followed their guidelines and got canned, hope she ends up owning her own place.

  4. SBUX, absolutely, without a whisper of doubt, has the most duplicitous workplace culture on the planet. I consulted there for half a year and lived it. Schultz is an Utopian of the first order. At the height of the “Cultural Mission Statement” era, their published statement was posted EVERYWHERE, and boy! was it a doozy. There was no way a normal human being — with normal human frailties — could ever live up to it or function like a normal human being under it. The predictable fallout was that it drove all normal human interaction underground so that people solved any conflict by sabotaging each other. Talk about slipping the knife in with a smile and “have a nice day.” They had a lot of “Anger Management” cases. It is what I imagine living in a completely socially engineered culture would be like. Scary.

  5. …so I assume their “sensitivity training” is a garbled mash-up of PC-speak intended to further separate any remaining common sense from their employees’ noggins.

    This is what happens when the Left substitutes a person’s ability to think and act frpm a bedrock of real life interpersonal experiences with their Utopian scripts of how they think angels would think and act.

    They should just get out of the people business altogether and install Freestyle vending kiosks with decidedly gender-neutral, obvious computer-generated voices.

  6. …and now they have the fallout of another frilliant corporate decision: opening their bathrooms to every drug addicted bum within shuffling distance. LOL! As if their overpriced coffee products are just too essential to the survival of humanity and people will risk their own health to get their daily coffee fix at the place with the third world bathrooms — located just feet away from where they store those bags of coffee and $5.00 cake pops. I think SBUX is about to gain some real life experience about just how many conservatives there really are. Haha!

  7. Could you imagine the questions they would ask during a job interview? It’s almost worth it to apply for a job there, get hired, then get fired in 3 minutes. It would make a great beer drinking story.

  8. My mom tried to go there yesterday, said she’d pick me up a coffee on the way back, but they wouldn’t let her into the building, so someone was there I guess.

    Funny thing is, I had completely forgotten about it. (Sorry mom. 😰)

  9. The only part missing was that at the end the blond and the girl should have quit and walked out.
    At this point my career isn’t such that I might work at a place like Starbucks, but I would never work there after their politicization of everything. Partially because of the politics but more because of the impact it has on the work environment.

  10. If I were an enterprising young…Professional Equity Activist, I’d be trying to buy my Starbucks with EBT. You can already do that at Starbucks in grocery stores, so it should be done at corporate shops also. Now start activating that equity!

  11. Ekbor, the lead paleontologist stood on the ridge. The enviro-suit protected him from the dry heat of the desert as his team excavated the artifact-rich gully below.
    What killed off this obviously advanced Civilization? No signs of warfare, or disease (other than the curious humped shoulders of the younger ones).
    Belnog, the chief curator of the dig waved at him on his helmet display so he wandered off the ridge to the artifact dome.
    Belnog waved the artifact; a flat cellulose membrane with it’s strange form of communication applied to it’s surface. Funny how the oddest things survive the ravages of time.
    “I’ve decoded the ‘document'” Belnog yelled “its called the ‘Starbucks Mission Statement'” He slammed a hairy paw down on his work table.
    “Now I know what happened! These bastards Apologized themselves into extinction!”
    Poor Lazlo

  12. Dang, if only I liked their coffee so I could send a message how silly and damaging this stunt of their’s is by no longer buying their coffee. But truth is I’ve tried different types of their coffee a few times and never took a single sip I liked. Haven’t stopped at a starfuxs for at least a couple years, never will again.

  13. We don’t have a starbucks where I live. Otherwise I go to a bathroom stall at one of their stores and proceed to relieve myself facing mecca regardless of the orientation of the toilet.


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