Take a peek at the Ozone Hole – IOTW Report

Take a peek at the Ozone Hole

NASA: Hole in the Ozone Smallest Since Discovery in 1982.

“It’s a rare event that we’re still trying to understand,” Susan Strahan, an atmospheric scientist with the Universities Space Research Association, said in a statement. “If the warming hadn’t happened, we’d likely be looking at a much more typical ozone hole.”

But researchers added that these scientific events are not linked to climate change. more

19 Comments on Take a peek at the Ozone Hole

  1. Well at least it WAS big enough to help DUPONT phase out all their Chlorine based refrigerants Like R-12, R-22, R-502 and a few other obscure blends so they could market a whole new line of shit to sell the public that isn’t as efficient and the oil degrades and wipes out compressors at an early age. That’s why you’ll find really old refrigerators (20-30 years old) in your parent’s garage or basement that are still running and the “NEW” fancy shit only lasts maybe 5-8 years tops.

  2. So the left’s attempt to ruin our economy in the 80s by forcing us to stop using refrigerants failed, so now they are trying to blame global warming on the depletion of the ozone layer? With the same goal.

  3. @ TonyR just don’t get caught bringing that stuff back into the states! I don’t do that shit anymore anyway. I had one of the last R-500 stockpiles left in Calif. until I gave it away in 2006.

  4. so … an atmospheric phenomena, that we just discovered 39 years ago (which is a blink of a gnat’s eye in geological time), is supposed to be a harbinger of … what, exactly? …

    my guess is speculation (better known as ‘bullshit’) in search of taxpayer money

  5. Earth’s been around for billions of years; known about the ozone layer since ’82, and in 2019 they think they know everything about it.
    “Everything we thought before was wrong”.
    Sure have heard that before.

  6. Psst! IT’S. THE. SUN.

    Not CFCs or evil sky fairies or rocket unicorns. Variations in the Earth’s magnetic field coinciding with increasing and decreasing radiation output from that giant fusion reactor at the center of the solar system cause fluctuations in atmospheric composition.

    You’re welcome. Now go back to school. And pay attention this time.


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