Her “explanation” was top tier – somehow she graduated without knowing what a syllable is. pic.twitter.com/QNS3YXBH0w
— Johnny (@johnjism) June 22, 2023
19 Comments on Take Back Her Diploma For Not Knowing the Definition of “Syllable”
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Was that a SPECIAL ED graduation?
Black Privilege.
They have been trained that there struggles are greater because they’re black. When actually she probably got special treatment for being black.
I started my first paid job, paying taxes at 14, because I liked having money.
She acts so sweet and victimized in her “explanation” video, but it’s the real deal in her action video. What a sweetheart. 🙄
The Three Stooges knew more about syllables.
B-A Bay
B-E Bee
On welfare with 3 kids from 3 different guys within 5 years.
Hey sweetheart… Always make sure to put the em-FA-sis on the correct sil-A-ble!
I gots like three syllables in my names, and shit,yo! Can you believes dat honkey shit?
Fuck off, eat shit and die.
What does all about her mean? She’s gonna be the target of the crime by perpetrated by her homies today?
People who annoy you.
She thought syllables are what the doctor put in her boobs…
Syllables be racist an shit, yo!
Mama? All da guys agreet dat I gotz da biggest dick in the 3rd Grade!
Das cuz youz 22, Neil, now eat yo syllables!
when I was a kid, if I made an excuse, I got my ass beat three times
once for making an excuse, once for the lame excuse I made, and once for thinking an excuse would work
that was me, and every white guy I know. I was raised to believer the quality of your employment was based on merit, and merit was shown by results.
racism is a chicken shit excuse that never fails black people. accusation = proof, every person in their orbit accepts the excuse without question, and they never have to produce results.
they claim merit has nothing to do with success. they base their lives on lies
Stupidity on display.
Lah tee sha
Shay nay nay
Bee yon say
Another angle from this incident which proves that no one *snatched* the mic from her, but completely the opposite.
She(boon) makes a good case for separate graduation ceremonies.
yo u no the white man took away the penicillin that clears up my syllables.