Take This Mask And Shove It! – IOTW Report

Take This Mask And Shove It!

I ain’t wearin’ it no more.

7 Comments on Take This Mask And Shove It!

  1. I’m wearing my window screen mask on 11/3. I love that thing, but I hate it, too. As Kris Kristofferson might say, it’s my walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, taking every wrong direction on the lonely way back home. I can’t wait to toss it for good.

  2. I have a useless synthetic fabric mask with ‘The Scream’ on it. I am the passive/aggressive sort of wearer. I wear it in a store, nod at any clerks looking and soon as I am away the thing dangles from 1 ear. There are many store employees doing the same. I wish they had one with ‘Children of the Damned’ on it.


  3. Haven’t worn one.

    Have a couple of friends that live on the Arkansas/Oklahoma border, Oklahoma does not have a mask mandate outside of a few cities, Arkansas has a statewide mask mandate. Two different towns, two different stupid events they told me about.
    The one friend went to a drive-thru, when he got to the window he was asked to put his mask on, he told them he didn’t have a mask, they told him they could not serve him without a mask.
    The second story was a friend and her husband went to a restaurant to eat, they walked in without a mask, waited in line and then were seated, nobody ever asking about a mask. The waitress comes to their table and asks them to put on their masks before she could take their order. They told her they had no masks, were allowed in and seated without masks. She runs off to the manager, who comes over and tells them they must leave, they will not serve them without a mask. They repeat that they were allowed in, walked across the restaurant and seated without a mask and nothing was ever said. They were told that was a mistake, but they must leave. So they asked if they would be expected to eat with a mask on and were told masks could be removed to eat. So they asked, “we stood in line for 20 minutes without a mask, we followed an employee from the front of the restaurant to the back of the restaurant while walking past numerous tables with customers without a mask and you’re telling us as soon as our drinks arrive we could remove our masks if we had them on, but yet we can’t sit here without a mask for 5 minutes? The manager told them they were a risk to their customers and employees.
    So they argued again, we weren’t a risk while standing in line, we weren’t a risk while following an employee to our table, but now that we’re sitting at a table we’re a risk, but would not be a risk when our drinks arrive, how the hell does that even make sense to you?
    They were told that is the law and that is the policy of this restaurant. They then told them, that they were wrong it was a not a law and they needed to learn how a law was made and that the restaurant’s policy is ignorant, but that they would leave because it would be a cold day in hell before their restaurant ever got another dime from them.

    This is how ignorant everyone has become.


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