Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller’s Corruption – IOTW Report

Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller’s Corruption

Townhall/Kurt Schlichter: There is no way to sugarcoat it – especially after the lawless invasion of the attorney-client privilege by fancy-suited thugs, if President Donald Trump sits down and talks to Robert Mueller and his pack of Democrat donor corruptocrats, he’s an idiot.

Instead, he needs to take his case to the people – because a blind man can see that he’s being framed.

If Trump talks to Mueller, Mueller will be laughing at him, but on the inside. On the outside, he’ll keep up that beaten beagle visage of his, roaring at how he outsmarted the man who outsmarted all the Smartest People in the World and who therefore assumes he can somehow “win” his interview.

But Trump can’t win. The fix is in. Raiding Michael Cohen’s office was the icing on an all-icing cake. This is not justice. This is an attempt to claw back power for the disenfranchised elite no matter what it takes, and no one – not the president, not me, and not you, should pretend these hacks deserve any deference or respect.

Trump committed no crime, as we all know because nothing indicating he has committed a crime has leaked out of that unprofessional sieve masquerading as a bunch of professional prosecutors that Mueller assembled to do the bidding of his elite masters to both overturn the result of the 2016 election and avenge his humiliated pal James Comey. The recent report that Trump is not the “target” of an investigation should not lull anyone into complacency – it’s just another flurry in this special counsel’s blizzard of lies.

Donald Trump is their target, though they absolutely and unequivocally know he committed no crime. They don’t care.  read the rest

20 Comments on Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller’s Corruption

  1. Mueller is stepping on his tiny dick with his big clown shoes; His approval rating has dropped 14 points after the Cohen raid he engineered. Keep putting “kick me” signs on his back, Trump.

  2. Considering that Mueller will bring charges against Trump if Trump does not give the answers Mueller wants to hear (and win), Trump should not talk to Mueller at all.

    I cannot believe how even liberals, as opposed to leftists, can even support Mueller in any way, shape, or form.

  3. If Trump is as smart as some people think, he will not talk to Muller. Muller is a political loose cannon. Muller is the democrats pit bull out to nip anyone connected to Trump. Someone should have put a foot on Mullers throat yesterday to put 3rd world justice thugs back in their box and out of US courts.

  4. Mueller may have served honorably in Vietnam as a Marine Corps officer, but after years in the DC Swamp it appears he’s turned to the dark side.

    Remember even Anakin Skywalker was a hero in episode I then ended up turning to the dark side and becoming Darth Vader!

  5. If Sessions were the man Trump thought he was he would realize that Meuller had/has no intention of calling him as a witness and un-recuse himself from this investigation and demand Meuller and his team prepare a presentation for the AG on exactly how they have run this investigation, what they uncovered, the direction they are taking and what they can actually charge today with what they have. If they don’t have anything of substance that relates to the mandate (Russian Collusion) then Sessions should fire Meuller and his team and hold a press conference that presents the way Meuller conducted the investigation, that he uncovered nothing and that he then began to use the investigation as a witch hunt in a desperate and illegal attempt to find something on the President. Throw it all open to the public and order Meuller, his team and any others involved a court order not to destroy any records, emails, messages, correspondence etc pertaining in any way to this investigation pending a review.

  6. President Trump was lucky Mueller had the corrupt FBI raid Cohen’s houses BEFORE Trump agreed to any interview.
    It’s all an OBVIOUS set-up now. Trump says one thing in an interview, something innocuous.
    The Special Investigators already found conflicting information from the raid.
    Grand Jury time. Subpoena time. Impeachment for lying time.
    As Nancy used to say:

  7. I have a stupid question. Where does it say Mueller can take all the time he wants? Can Trump sign an executive order to give a deadline for this Sherlock Holmes wannabe?

  8. Mueller’s job is to charge somebody with something because of anything.
    No way any special investigator or prosecutor just folds up shop and says “Nothing here, folks”.

  9. Mueller is like Tom and Trump is Jerry the mouse. Tom thinks he has Jerry in some trap but the little mouse makes a fool of him every time.

    How does Mueller even *think* he can best Trump?

    Trump knows Mueller’s trap. Just watch the mouse lead him in the dust.


  10. Notice there has been absolutely no accusations of Trump being involved with crooked or unscrupulous business dealings in all those years with all those dealings? I’ve never heard of any and that tells me all I need to know about the mans character.

  11. I’m surprised such supposedly smart people don’t realize what’s likely to happen to them if they succeed in disenfranchising the electorate that chose Trump, and in the process stripping the federal government of its last vestige of legitimacy.

    “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

    What claim to consent and hence just powers does our government have beyond letting us vote?

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