Tax payer money being used to mutilate physically healthy adolescents that have gender dysphoria – IOTW Report

Tax payer money being used to mutilate physically healthy adolescents that have gender dysphoria

The Federalist-

Some physicians in the United States are performing double mastectomies on healthy 13-year-old girls. The justification is gender dysphoria (“transgenderism”)—the girls now identify as boys and therefore want to look like boys.

Sometimes this dysphoria doesn’t appear until adolescence, and often little or no psychological evaluation is done to determine the underlying cause of the teenager’s desire to mutilate her body. But these doctors are willing to give her what she thinks she wants. And your federal tax money is paying for research to validate this gruesome treatment (see here and here).


14 Comments on Tax payer money being used to mutilate physically healthy adolescents that have gender dysphoria

  1. There’s a river in front of my house that is currently flooded. The power of nature watching the flow of that river is hard to comprehend. Ice out in springtime is also an example of great power. Other examples, but you get where I’m going?

    Once again, in an insane world sanity is perceived as insanity. But what is the power driving the scores of examples as we continue our march towards…

    Answers please without bible quotes…

  2. A while back I stumbled across a video from a self-proclaimed scientist who did an experiment to prove carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going to kill us all. When the first result came back it didn’t show what he was set out to prove and he expressed it with, “Well, that’s disappointing.” Pump the brakes. As a scientist, you’re suppose to accept the results and not be disappointed by them. He ran his experiment numerous times tweaking here and there and by the 5th iteration he admits, “Well this experiment isn’t showing what’s expected, but..” and he goes off on a tangent to somehow backward-splain how it’s supposed to work.

    What really irked me is in the comments how everyone fell inline with what he was attempting to prove, but could not. Even though the experiment showed the exact opposite of what he was set out to prove, everyone believed the real results should have been what he initially set out to prove. I lost a lot of faith in humanity that day. This is the same type of “science” that’s behind mutilating our children.

  3. It has been reported that trans male teens attempt suicide at a high rate. One enlightened soul assigned partial blame for this trend to the fact that no one wants to date these gender-confused impostors (italics = my words). So, got that? These attempted suicides could be your straight daughter’s fault since she doesn’t want to go out with titless females who dress like men.

  4. My 14 year old daughter has been blossoming. However, since she takes after me, tall and thin, she’s not keeping up with many of the now women in her class.

    I bet she would take those extra boobs these girls don’t want.

  5. So here’s a question for these confused children. Which do you find attractive, boys or girls? Realize, if you are a girl with gender dysphoria and start mutilating your parts, who will date you?

    Straight boys? No, you say you are a boy.
    Gay boys? Maybe, but will you find a gay boy attractive?
    Straight girls? Not if they want to have kids someday.
    Gay women? No, you say you are a boy.

    That doesn’t leave you with a whole lot of options.

  6. When these children become adults and realize that they were duped, who are they going to sue to get their boobs back?

    Since our tax dollars are going to fund these mutilations, will we have to pay (again) when they sue?

  7. Adolescent girls are often uncomfortable with their changing bodies. Those sick doctors are taking advantage of young women during this emotional and physically complicated stage of their development.
    The left must be doomed as it acts against nature and destroys countless lives. What power hungry people they are!

  8. Grave sin & insanity.The parents
    and doctors BUTCHERED & DISFIGURED
    the Lords work…You can chop off or
    sew on any kind of fake sex organ but
    only God can make a man & a woman.


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