TDS- Trump Derangement Syndrome – IOTW Report

TDS- Trump Derangement Syndrome

Trump detractor gives advice to fellow detractors- try not to appear like deranged loons.


WHEN IT COMES to battling Donald Trump, no ground is sacred.

I learned that at my mother’s funeral. Walking out of church, I stopped to hug a relative I seldom see and thank her for attending. As the casket was being lifted into the hearse, she segued to the subject she said she really wanted to talk about: the anti-Trump letter-writing campaign she had joined and the urgent need to declare the president mentally unfit.

What a surreal moment. For me, it captured the insanity of these times and the boundless — some might say, hapless — passion of the Trump resistance. My mom voted for Hillary last November and used the same word — “terrible” — to describe Trump and the travails of life after a series of falls that ultimately led to her death, at age 92. Yet if the question for the living is how best to end the era of our discontent, I wouldn’t recommend lobbying the bereaved.

I agree with fellow Globe columnist Alex Beam: Get used to Trump. He’s not about to self-deport out of the White House and, for now, impeachment is a liberal pipe dream. Meanwhile, he’s delivering on campaign promises his opponents find hateful. But until Trump backers come to hate Trump policies, the wailing from the other side is little more than Shakespeare’s sound and fury. Rather than signifying nothing, however, all that noise signifies something very specific to Trump backers: Trump Derangement Syndrome. And there’s some truth to it.


13 Comments on TDS- Trump Derangement Syndrome

  1. I like T.U.R.D. Better. … Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (T.U.R.D.)? Know the signs……like bringing up how much you hate Trump to the bereaved…..
    at a funeral.
    Sick f__kers out there. Makes me look sane.

  2. The Left are children. It would never occur to them to play the hand twas dealt, they need to upend the card table and run about the room shrieking in tantrum or storming off to their rooms with the cards. Do any of them ever recognize their behavior as immature?

  3. I have an old friend from college who lives a thousand miles away who is just beside himself to learn that I dig Trump. And that I’m a conservative to boot. Who sits around giving a rat’s ass what harmless little ol’ me thinks? Someone does for the next eight years! 🤣

  4. If Hillary had won, I’d have HDS. Big time. But at least I’d have justifiable, rational, well informed reasons.. very much unlike the snowflakes who have TDS.

  5. I hope that if I ever live to be in my nineties I won’t give a crap about politics, because I won’t have that much time left and I’d rather spend it in nicer ways. In fact, it bothers me a bit that I waste as much time on it as I do today. Like right now. It is however, as you say, very hard to get away from nowadays. And the stakes are very high.



  6. They have zero self awareness.
    Having been told for a number of years what they say and think is important and it matters.
    Because they were coddled for so many years by society, when they run into the real world they are not ready for it.
    All the screaming and temper tantrum they didn’t throw when they were 3 because of coddling, they do it now.
    It isn’t attractive and normal people think they are crazy.
    Keep it up, please, you haven’t alienated all the sane in the Democrat party, yet.

  7. These people are bat shit crazy. They continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot and all the time blaming the gun. Although at times I find it difficult to not get pissed off more often than not I just laugh my ass off.

  8. These people are bat shit crazy. They continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot and all the time blaming the gun. Although at times I find it difficult to not get pissed off more often than not I just laugh my ass off.

  9. That guy with the internet seizure should be the shark-jumper on TDS. But he won’t.

    Although these TDS pussies won’t ever slit their wrists and die , leaving a note blaming Trump, because deep down, they know they’re full of shit.

  10. I have seen FB posts that ask whether trump could be impeached for incompetence.

    Incompetence? He promised he would do certain things. He got right on the job to do certain things. Despite the opposition he is getting from Dems and RINOs, he is succeeding in getting a number of things that he promised done. That is incompetence?

    If incompetence were an impeachable offence then Carter would not have made it past January 21, 1977.

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