Teacher found passed out drunk on school field trip wins $75,000 settlement – IOTW Report

Teacher found passed out drunk on school field trip wins $75,000 settlement

EAG: JANESVILLE, Wis. – A Wisconsin teacher who was found passed out drunk in a bowling alley during a school field trip will receive $75,000 in a settlement with the city of Janesville.

Washington Elementary School teacher Maria Caya was chaperoning an end of the year field trip for fourth and fifth grade students to River’s Edge Bowling Alley in Janesville in June 2013 when police said she vomited in the bathroom and was found passed out, according to WKOW.

Caya was taken to a Janesville hospital where a blood alcohol test registered .27, or more than three times the legal limit to drive. Caya allegedly told a hospital employee she began drinking at 6 a.m., and a WKOW analysis found she would have had to consume about 11 alcoholic beverages by the time she was tested around noon. The hospital employee was concerned because Caya was responsible for supervising students, and contacted police.  MORE

8 Comments on Teacher found passed out drunk on school field trip wins $75,000 settlement

  1. That seems to me a major problem in this country. Damn near every govt. agency (no matter the size) automatically assumes it’s going to be cheaper to capitulate than to resist any and all challenges no matter what.

    Shakespeare was right when he said what he did about scum sucking bottom feeding ambulance chasing attorneys!
    They are the main reason our country is in the toilet. Look at the democRATic party, how many of those leeches are attorneys that are in office?

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