Teacher’s Series Shows How Bad It Sucks ‘Traveling As A Fat Person’ – IOTW Report

Teacher’s Series Shows How Bad It Sucks ‘Traveling As A Fat Person’

This country is getting fatter, which is a symptom of something.

Comfort, complacency, greed?

Anxiety, stress, fear?

Maybe we haven’t kept up with the “growing” population. But as she advocates for wider toilet seats, I can only think of the thin person falling in. The struggle is real for many.


Mary Fran Donnelly, a teacher and body positivity advocate, is going viral on TikTok for her hilarious and powerful series, Traveling as a Fat Person

Social studies teacher Mary Fran Donnelly has been bringing her infectious spirit and body positive message to TikTok for a year, but she’s recently seen viral fame for her video series, Traveling as a Fat Person, in which she hilariously (and powerfully) highlights the many, many ways fat people’s needs, comfort, and preferences are diminished or ignored entirely when it comes to travel.

Traveling is enough to make anyone anxious (has anyone ever felt truly comfortable in a plane seat?), but for people who live in larger bodies, it can be downright demeaning – comfort aside, the mistreatment and fat-shaming from fellow passengers and staffers can make the entire experience for fat people absolutely traumatic.

The sisters were clearly making light of the situation, but Donnelly told Buzzfeed that she did want to emphasize the very real struggles people in larger bodies face when they travel. “I cope through humor,” she said. “I was making light of a situation that is a very real stress for fat, plus-size people… my sister and I could only laugh at how absurd it was.”


ht/ jerry manderin

51 Comments on Teacher’s Series Shows How Bad It Sucks ‘Traveling As A Fat Person’

  1. Aside from the junk food and processed food, including high fructose corn syrup in everything and appetite stimulants, etc., there are fairly recent entries into the country of large groups of people who descended from ancestors who were the survivors of long-term droughts and famines. When they have access to normal diets they gain and hold the weight. That’s why, e.g., so many Mexicans and central Americans with native ancestry are rolly-polly.

  2. On the other side, it is getting more difficult to find normal sized clothing.
    Often what is supposed to be a medium is what used to be a large and I end up having to go with a small to get a shirt that isn’t like a tent.
    My 4’ 11” 90 pound wife really has trouble finding clothes to fit.

  3. I have a unique genetic weight condition. When I eat like a pig I get bigger. When I stop eating like a pig I get smaller.

    I should write a book or something.

  4. Dieting takes discipline and delay of immediate fatifification – er – gratification.

    Fat people burden the rest of us with their smelly blubber and health costs. They should be shamed for their gluttony.

  5. I was on an airplane and the slob in the next seat was flowing into the seat I had paid for. This was pre-1980 and the seats were spacious. I finally told them that I had paid for a seat and I expect to be the sole occupier of said seat or that I was due full compensation for the cost of my ticket.

    Look damnit, if you were born to have a size sixteen foot that is something you need to deal with. It is not my problem. If you are too big to fit in a standard seat that is not my problem either, it doesn’t give you license to occupy a quarter of the seat I paid for.

  6. I am so sorry my “weight” bothers you. I happen to have some physical conditions that result in water storage and also have screwed up lymph nodes.

    I have dealt with this all my life and when younger was a very physically fit and active fat person. As I’ve gotten older it is harder, with a pace maker, copd, diabetes, heart bypass, artritis, and chronic
    neuropathy to Really give a damn what you think of me.

    So kiss my ass, please and myob.

  7. Fat has it’s own consequences and responsibilities. I have to fly first class to insure I don’t infringe on others.

    It’s the people who refuse to acknowledge their fatness and take responsibility that I hate.

  8. When I am active,dirt bikes,skiing,jet skiing,working hard manual labour etc, I gain weight. When I sit on my ass and vegetate out my weight drops.Is that good? I don’t know.Pilots of small aircraft are well aware of cg and ahem “hefty” passengers.

  9. T.O.M.

    I am much more sympathetic than you would suspect about any condition a person finds themselves in.
    I try and see things from everyone’s perspective, and also judge on a case by case, person to person, basis.
    If someone is a jerk I am not above finding something that person might be sensitive about and using it as a weapon.
    And if I like the person, I tend to not see traits that fall out of the “normal.”
    That’s how most people are, I think.
    I hope.

  10. My issue is being charged for excess luggage.
    My 165 lbs + 35 pounds of luggage can mean I pay more than a 380 lb morbidly obese person that brings 20 lbs of luggage.
    Yes, TWICE my total weight on the plane.
    Yeah, that seems fair…

  11. Seriously your biggest concerns as a giant lard ass is the seat belt not fitting, not being comfortable when traveling or being embarrassed. She should be concerned about her HEALTH. The reality is grossly overweight people almost all suffer from high BP, diabetes, sleep apnea, their bodies are always inflamed. So when you do get Covid or any other illness of course you get seriously ill. But by all means focus on the embarrassment of not fitting in an old school fast food booth where the chairs are unloveable and blame society, rally to be fatter. You go girl!

  12. My husband and I were seated at the front of coach. Across the aisle was a young man and his father. His father weighed about 350 lbs.
    It was a smallish jet. They made us move to the las row to balance the weight. No thank-you. Skipped us on drink service. No refund.
    Just rude remarks when we complained.
    American Airlines suck and fat people should expect to suffer inconveniences not expect to inconvenience everyone else.

  13. LBS
    Yea, I was having a few shoulder (Bicep Tendon) issues before the cancer and afterwords it blew up. I’m just now getting passed it. Lot’s of ice and heat and Norco. I’m still way down at 210. I’m guessing about 8% body fat. I can almost resurrect my hip hop underwear modeling career. They forgot to tell me post radiation you have a hard time gaining weight. Not like I had a choice.

  14. AS a recovering diabetic, I can assure you it is the addition of toxic additives to our ever worsening “food”. All corn derived products are poison. Humans are meant to eat fish / meat / eggs. Not a solid avalanche of carbs. Eating a modern high carb low nutrition diet, and eating all day long, directly leads to obesity. Incredibly, many obese are malnourished! For all the junk they are eating, they are deficient in many vitamins and minerals, causing the poor victims never ending hunger. Add in laziness, lack of control, and no imperatives for rational behavior, and here we are.

  15. I’ve weighed 155 to 165 my entire adult life of 66 years and been called skinny and scrawny the whole time. I have little sympathy for your lard if your fat.

  16. I spent a flight sitting practically sideways on one hip, leaning out into the aisle with an infant on my lap because some hambeast was sat next to me on an airplane. This landwhale was so large that it required a seatbelt extender. I don’t want to hear some lardass complaining about how much travelling sucks for THEM.

  17. Anonymous June 25, 2021 at 3:52 pm

    The Obsolete Man: you are in the MINORITY of fat people. 99.999 percent of fat people are fat because of the shit they eat.

    It’s called “Fork to Mouth Disease.” Covid took care of thousands of obese people, it took out what it was designed to do. Next go around will get those that it didn’t get the first time. It takes an effort to get healthy, many aren’t willing to do what it takes.

  18. Adrienne — intermittent fasting does work. Hubs and I did nine months of fairly strict keto last year and got used to one meal per day — sometimes we were’t hungry for that one, either. Cut the carbs, especially sugar and things that quickly turn into glucose. Solves a LOT of health problems.

    Years ago I suffered from a condition that was greatly exaccerbated by sugar/carbs and after researching, learned that Americans began their long association with corn syrup and sugar right after WWII. And along with that came the many overly-processed canned foods that producers switched over to the civilian market after having perfected them for military rations. These foods were purposely pumped with sugar/carbs in order to give them more calories (not necessarily more nutrition) for the guys eating them. Before WWII the average American was consuming about 20 pounds of sugar/year. Post-WWII, and in the proceeding decades that number jumped to about 100 pounds of sugar annually. That’s a LOT of empty carbs that shred your health! God ony knows how many pounds Americans and consuming today. I feel a lot of sympathy for the obese children I see. Fat advocates should just shut their big mouths.

  19. @Brad You’d be proud of me. Finally went back to the gym after a year. I was feeling great preCovidvand have since deteriorated! Strength training twice a week and pilates once a week. No more waggling arms dammit and bad posture.

    Then a heat wave hits and I won’t go back till the week after next.

  20. You people are racists but you sure are fataphobics!

    I was a normal until about age 50 when I began to gain water weight and my glands went south on me. Last year I had a brother who literally drowned in his own body.

    Do I want pity? No. The o my thing I’m asking God is if I’ll be fat in Heaven?

    I used to lift weights and I weighed 149 lbs when I got out of the Navy. I know what thin is and what fat is. I’d bet most of you with the exception of a pine able fruit bar most of you consume more calories then I do. Exercise eliminates only so much water weight.

  21. If it wasn’t recently walking, flying, swimming, or growing out of the ground, keep it out of your face. That’s it. If you want to live well, eat things that were recently living. Nothing out of a bag, box or can.

  22. A few years ago a friend and I were on a flight where a passenger, a few rows forward of us, was grossly obese. Not many passengers were on board and we had a very quick take off at an extreme angle. We heard a loud cracking sound and watched the obese man’s seat crash all the way back. Fortunately, no one was seated in that seat or they would have been crushed.
    It took quite a few passengers to get him upright, as the seat back was completely broken and he was stuck in that position.
    He had to be moved to another seat for the flight. Before landing the people in front of him moved just in case he fell forward.

    He barley made it down the aisle to get on or off the plane.
    He should have been refused service as he was a danger to other passengers.

    At least it was a short flight and he didn’t attempt to use the bathroom!

  23. Obsolete man. I have sympathy for your affliction, but we’re not talking about metabolic illness, we’re talking about people who consume too many calories and won’t shift their ass off the couch unless it’s to chase an errant Cheeto-obviously not you.


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