Ted Cruz Ad – How Did America Lose Its Values? – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Ad – How Did America Lose Its Values?

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11 Comments on Ted Cruz Ad – How Did America Lose Its Values?

  1. Cruz is cool! I wonder if he’s thought about bringing back prohibition, also, another long forgotten American value.

    He’s got a broad-based campaign platform here, I think, sure to sweep across the political divide and lift him to victory.

    (He might also consider supporting a return to more modest dress for women, another important American value, gone, of recent, by the by. I’m not sure just what the laws might be, but something American like a burka might grow on American women, especially those concerned about the costs of a fashion conscious budget. That could be a winner, too.)

    …..Lady in Red

    PS: Oh, and his wife, Heidi, can bring back prestige and esteem for Goldman Sachs

  2. I do believe Cruz (and others) have come to realize that the ones who spat upon our returning veterans from Vietnam and screamed that they were “baby killers,” are now the very ones in charge of planned (un)parenthood.

  3. Prohibition was the creation of the Progressives. That was the final straw in their credibility, so they started calling themselves “liberals”. Now, the word liberal is so stained, they’re calling themselves progressives, again. Go figure, huh?

    It’s always the progressive types who want to control human behavior through prohibition of this or that. Take…. prohibition of gun ownership, for instance. Or prohibition of certain kinds of speech.

    Yeah, those people. Of course, they continued to drink during prohibition; it was the “little people” who couldn’t handle their liquor. Now, they’re the ones who say YOU cannot be armed, while they are living in gated communities protected by militarized police and armed guards. The ones like Diane Feinstein even pack personal handguns, but you are prohibited. They can say and do whatever in the the course of “normal political discourse” and anything goes under their concept of “free speech” but you sure better not slip up and say or write anything controversial.

    Yeah, those people.

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