Ted Cruz Interview With Pat Robertson – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Interview With Pat Robertson

Good stuff here. 

18 Comments on Ted Cruz Interview With Pat Robertson

  1. What Stephen Miller had to say about Cruz on Breitbart yesterday describes Cruz much differently, and much more accurately as relates to which candidate wants to do right by America.

    Jay must be out of the loop. For all the accolades building up to his introduction, I found him very dishonest in his assessment right out of the gate.

    Jay goes before the SC, Cruz is running for president. Isn’t it grand to run for president and not have to prove you’re a US citizen. Just like Obama…

    Jay’s favorite name now is Pau Pau. He should go home and enjoy his grandchildren, then, and stop misleading these college students.

    I don’t mean to offend Cruz supporters, it just kills me how GOP manages to keep the truth hidden.

  2. Thanks for posting that. Loved it. Cruz spoke about concrete plans, policies, goals, and actions, and his past experience with the Supreme Court and the fact that we are one vote away from Supreme Court national disasters.

    AA, do you have any thoughts about the Cruz interview or are you just blindly compelled to insert Trump into every thread?

    Even though this thread is about Cruz’s appearance AA please post the link to Trumps interview. I would love to see it.

  3. Zonga — All:

    You’re right, my motives for posting that comment were not pure. I’m a little sore about the fact that even posts whose headlines kinda read like support of Trump turn out to be just oblique stories that invite distrust of him — his character, his veracity, his candidacy — while pro-Cruz posts speak clearly and glowingly about him. There’s no need to fear the other shoe dropping.

    I watched both Cruz’s and Trump’s thing with Robertson, both were good. So why not post Trump’s, too? He had good responses to audience questions.

    Really, for weeks (now months), it’s as though Trump supporters are on constant defense of their candidate. I began this GE cycle feeling so positive and happy about the candidates and I was content to live and let live with Cruz supporters (I was one, too, at the beginning). But it seems Cruz’s supporters aren’t going to be happy until Trump (and more importantly, his supporters) are completely demoralized.

  4. Yes, the Trump supporters having to constantly defend him (when not attacking Cruz supporters and calling them names) must be very tiring.
    I offer you some help.
    Not long back a republican ran and won. He ran as “not a politician” and appeared to be conservative. He convinced most that he was one.
    You guys should stand him up as an example.
    Jesse Ventura.

  5. Jesse Ventura did not run as a (R)epublican he ran as a (R)eform candidate – had to defeat Norm Coleman (R) and Hubert H. Humphrey III (D) in a 3 way race for Governor –

    Standard accuracy for a Cruz or Rubio supporter’s point

  6. @AA – I think the reporting/posts here are pretty even-handed. There are pro-Trump posts and pro-Cruz posts. I feel that it is too pro-Trump sometimes, you feel it is too anti-Trump. Guess you can’t please everyone. But I think iotwreport tries to be fair. Since Mr. Pinko and BFH have both expressed their enthusiastic support for Trump, I don’t see how you can feel Trump is marginalized here. Unless you want it to be all Trump all the time.

  7. Ted Cruz knows the law. This is the best political interview I’ve seen on CBN. Great questions and answers.

    When Trump was on the show the other day, he only got a few softball questions and gave some very vague, simple, repetitive talking point answers. He looked uncomfortable there: “I’m pro-life. Yes, I’m pro-life. I’m realllly verrrrry pro-life.”

    You can watch the video on the CBN website.


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