Ted Cruz Leads Rally Against H.R. 1 In Joe Manchin’s Home State – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Leads Rally Against H.R. 1 In Joe Manchin’s Home State


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and conservative activists will hold a rally at the West Virginia state capitol Saturday against the “Corrupt Politicians Act.”

The Council for National Policy Act will host a rally at the Charleston, West Virginia state capitol at 1:00 P.M. Eastern. More

4 Comments on Ted Cruz Leads Rally Against H.R. 1 In Joe Manchin’s Home State

  1. 3 cheers for Ted! Hip, hip, hurray!
    Like Don, Ted has nuts!

    I admire men with nuts; have had a pair for over 780 years; my many hours in detention for “Operation Wetback” are exhibit #1;

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