Ted Cruz loudly and proudly denies global warming – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz loudly and proudly denies global warming

ted cruz


At a conservative donor conference hosted by the Koch brothers over the weekend, presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-Texas) pleased a friendly crowd with one of the most vocal condemnations of climate-change politics yet to come out of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cruz flatly denied the global warming phenomenon — at least as a politically actionable one — and described its most ardent supporters as public-money leeches with ulterior motives.


15 Comments on Ted Cruz loudly and proudly denies global warming

  1. @Turkey Neck — You are on to something that, if developed in the right way — the right talking points and buzz, could spell the death of agw madness. It *is* an evil religion in the most basic sense because it is the idolatry of “Mother Earth” — the whole gaia movement bows down to the idea of humanity as a cancer on the planet. Nut jobs! And these people are ruining our system of gov’t, our laws, our economies.

  2. The Scientists who pander this crap to the masses are Research Grant Whores with an ugly streak of unashamed ambition.
    They see data (or make it up) that supports the Left agenda because they’re paid to see data that supports the Left agenda.
    If you opened the government trough to find evidence of visitations of Earth by Space Aliens the Obama would have opened an Embassy already and began issuing VISA’s

  3. Overall, despite his stand on increasing “legal immigration” with more work visas, he’s still my favorite.

    As I’ve said before, Cruz is perfectly positioned to benefit from Trump’s moving the general conversation further to the right. He can easily stay true to his values and still look more “moderate” that Donald.

  4. I was hoping to see a video.

    I’m so ecstatic to see a public figure standing up to these bullies. I can talk until I’m dead, but it may only influence a few people. This is what needs to happen daily.

    And I do believe Ted will gut – if not eliminate – the EPA when he becomes president.

    Ted, dear, you BETTER not disappoint me!

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