Teens sue over climate change – IOTW Report

Teens sue over climate change

MyNorthwest: Washington youth are waiting. They’ve waited for adults to take action on climate change, and after losing patience with them, they moved the issue to the courts. Now they are waiting again for a King County Superior Court judge to make her decision.

“We’re bringing this litigation to the court because the Department of Ecology has not done enough to do their job,” Aji Piper said.

Piper, 16, is among eight Washington youth who brought the case.

“They are violating our rights under the public trust doctrine, which is in our constitution – both the U.S. constitution and our state constitution,” he said. “It gets really frustrating and it feels like we’re not being listened to, and it feels like we’re running out of time.”

The eight young petitioners recently asked Judge Hollis Hill to find the state’s Department of Ecology in contempt for failing to protect Washington youth and future generations from the affects of climate change. The petitioners are between the ages of 12 and 16. Judge Hill said Tuesday that she needed more time to come to her decision.  read more

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