Tell me again how the urban dwellers are going to defeat the rednecks – IOTW Report

Tell me again how the urban dwellers are going to defeat the rednecks

ht/ nm

23 Comments on Tell me again how the urban dwellers are going to defeat the rednecks

  1. There is a certain amount of swagger in not having to circle to get a parking space, know when there are strangers around, and joining together to watch each other’s backs even if you don’t know their names.

    I’ll trade not having to show id when cashing a check because the teller knows you, and the local True Value will set aside that tool you were asking for last week until you go back in.

    And the local general store/deli knows what subs you like on Wednesday night without ordering them – they’re just ready.

    It’s not Andy Griffith, but sometimes it like Ozzie and Harriet.

  2. Urban dwellers will be self defeating. When the shelves are bare, they will take to killing each other for the last bag of Doritos. Hurricane Katrina was a great example. People in the rural areas knew how to fend for themselves. New Orleans was 100% dependent on the government.

  3. If you aren’t capable of growing a head of lettuce or tomatoes, if you can’t operate a chainsaw, if you’ve never fired a gun, if you’ve never gotten misty eyed during the national anthem…. you lose. Automatically.

  4. @Brad…..I have a poorly bred, rescued border collie that will bring back a tennis ball from an acre away and she lops at right around 30 miles an hour. She can cover some earth in a hurry. I also have a poorly bred, rescued heeler that’s about 6 inches off the ground and he’s got a nose for bunnies and quail. It don’t matter the dog, they hunt and if I can get my legs to mind better by next fall, I’m gonna scare the hell out of some pheasant and quail….

  5. Last Cheasapeak would do triples and never lose a bird. Runnem back to you sit down, hand them to you and boom, after the next. He use to do it with ice hanging off his face. They live for it. Here’s a good one. You shoot a crip Duck, wound one, in the rice fields said Duck will grab onto something at the bottom of the rice feild and die there. Not uncommon to lose a Duck that way. The last Cheasapeak found a solution. He’d walk backwards over the top of where he thought the Duck was dragging his feet. He looked exactly like he was moon walking. I caught a lot of shit over that with friends. Wish I would have filmed it.

  6. True innovation is what you get when you don’t have the government looking over your shoulder with a thousand regulations. (Or when you give them the finger and do it anyway!)

  7. Since refineries, coal fields and natural gas and oil wells are mostly outside of the ‘blue’ cities, all those lib’s cell phones will be out of service in no time. That oughta finish them off in a hurry.

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