Temperament and restraint – IOTW Report

Temperament and restraint


32 Comments on Temperament and restraint

  1. Alright maybe.

    Chelsea has immersed herself into politics and Clinton corruption at this point and deserves no quarter. Media still treats her as if she’s still 12 years old. Hands off.



  2. I didn’t expect Trump to clean her clock, she is too experienced as a nasty lying cunt.
    However, he let her run down the field without bumping her at the line of scrimmage.
    He needs to get under her skin.
    He did that somewhat but he needed to do it early and often.

  3. Well Said BFH, well said. And the fact that he referred to her as Mrs. Secretary, and she constantly referred to him a “Donald,”
    shows that he’s a gentleman and she is coarse and disrespectful.

  4. I wont comment much because i watched very little of the debate. He voice and condescending manners would break me into a blithering idiot if i had to listen to her very long. When i listened she attacked his business, and he acted defensive. She pointed out his bankruptcies and taxes, he shouldve countered with a bankrupt and overtaxed nation, and everyone pays as little fed taxes as possible.

    I am reading the reviews though.

  5. I just finished watching the ‘debate’ (on DVR). My reaction at the end is, if the characters were reversed, the MSM would be calling Trump robotic and Hillary would be called Engaged! and Energetic! I doubt I’ll see the actual characteristics opined by the usual leftist media.
    I’m surprised she managed to stay on her feet for almost two hours. I do think I heard a cough from her.

  6. just going to leave this here:
    With just 42 days left until the election, it’s crunch time for anyone who hasn’t registered to vote. The deadlines to register in most states fall throughout October, with only a few states allowing in-person registration on the day of the election.
    There’s Hunter Walk’s Take Off Election Day and Spotify’s new “Clarify” podcast series, CRV’s Fuck Trump announcement that offers visa coverage for immigrant founders and Reid Hoffman’s Trumped Up Cards.

  7. You can’t play fair in an unfair fight and expect to win. Screw the restraint spin.

    Trump got treed by a chihuahua. Will it affect him negatively in the polls – I don’t think so. Will it change anyone’s mind on how they’ll vote – I don’t think so.

    One thing I would like Trump to do in the next debate is to ask Hillary HOW tax cuts can’t be paid for? What does one have to do with the other?

    Tax cuts don’t cost anyone money but the government. Tax cuts help people and businesses SAVE money for re-investment.

    Tax cuts don’t add to the debt. Spending money that doesn’t exist adds to the debt.

  8. Count this one as reconnaissance before the main battle.
    Like MJA said on the other post, it’s the last debate(s) that matters.

    I don’t think Hillary will be changing her tactics, she’ll just try pushing different buttons, trying to make Trump look stupid or piss him off so he might stumble.

    Be ready next time, Chief (as in Commander in Chief). America needs this win.

  9. i watched the debate in its entirety. She didn’t sip one glass of water, didn’t stumble once, didn’t cough once, but i saw her eyes get off kilter one time. I believe there was another earpiece prompter in her left ear, but the camera refused to change position…something she preempted before hand. I heard boos from the audience when she spun her lies. I saw Trump start to fall in her minefield traps, but he caught himself. The Moderator was a lefty progtard. No doubt about that. I heard Trump unload on Main Stream Media and their lies after he attacked Trump. We all have heard Trump’s talking points before, but think of those who never listen to anything but MSM…they heard it for the first time! Way to Go Trump. I agree with others…anyone voting for Trump will be reinforced in that choice. Anyone determined to vote for Hillary, the same goes. The undecided got earfuls tonight, and they will be thinking on these facts before November 8th. She defended Obama down the line, ignoring her own birther attacks in 2008 to charge Trump with that dead horse, which he deflected and pissed her off. I saw her “dagger cold eyes” glare at Trump repeatedly, when he was speaking. She’s a deadly snake.

  10. If Trump is nice, if he’s a gentleman, he will lose just like Romney and McCain. He needs to talk about Hillary’s sexual predator husband, her enabling of him, and how together they’ve destroyed the lives of a lot of women. Trump also needs to talk about their phony foundation and how Hillary and Bill have sold out the country to the highest bidder. As long as he plays nice with these people they will walk all over him. Whoever is advising Donald Trump needs to tell him to take the gloves off.

  11. He can hit harder next debate.
    In the final debate he can kick her ass into a pit screaming, “MANHATTAAAAAN!” and piss on her all the way down the shaft for all I care.
    Tonight she threw every thing she had at him and even involved Holt, to no avail.
    That’s all she has, she’s fucked and they all know it.

  12. Did Donald Trump build all the buildings he owns? Not one of them! Could he if he had the time? No! thousands of skilled workers did the work, Donald had the vision to build or buy his empire. Donald knew how to manage, to lead and inspire he recognizes talant and surrounds himself with the best. He has a vision for America which got him this far. He will have a wonderful coalition of great minds to help get the job done. He is a patriot and a fighter for what he believes in. Hillary has years of practice lying and trying to convince people to trust her so she can weld power to push her leftist global agenda. From now on it’s up to all of us to do what we can to get Mr Trump elected.

  13. While I was somewhat disappointed by Trump’s underperformance, it was also clear to to me that he was sick. Listening on the radio without the distraction of images, I could focus on the sound completely. Trump’s breathing revealed horrible congestion.

    But this might help him in an odd way. I’m trying to remember which prize fight it was where Muhammad Ali absorbed quite a few puniches from his opponent early on, then broke the bank in the last few rounds by pummeling him into nothingness. I don’t think that’s a bad strategy at all for this debate series.

  14. MJA, I like your positive analysis. Although it wasn’t the merciless verbal bludgeoning I was hoping for (and that Hillary deserves), Trump has fared well.

    I would like to see him more effectively indict her as unfit for office, but I guess he needs to cater to the precious and virtuous Undecided Voters out there.

    I thought Romney would win, but back then I didn’t have the sense that there was a movement, like there is now.

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