Tens Of Thousands Died After Medicaid Expansion – IOTW Report

Tens Of Thousands Died After Medicaid Expansion


One of the less discussed short comings of the Obamacare mandate was the tendency to place those who couldn’t afford Obamacare compliant insurance into Medicaid. Now we’re finding that in those states that expanded Medicaid to cover healthy adults in the program was originally intended to serve (the elderly, poor children the disabled) are dying as the able-bodied take their place at the front of the line.

Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) estimates 250,000 are languishing on waiting list while about 21,904 have died in states that expanded Medicaid to cover the able-bodied.  More




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  1. Thousands Have Died On Medicaid Waiting Lists Following Medicaid Expansion Through Obamacare - Conservative Daily Post

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