Terrorist Attacks in Paris ~~ Developing Story~~ – IOTW Report

Terrorist Attacks in Paris ~~ Developing Story~~

Via Drudge



‘It’s for Syria’

Henry Samuel reports:

According to BFMTV, one of the gunmen shouted: “It’s for Syria” at Bataclan and Allahu Akbar.

There has been no official comment on motive.


A bomb, one of several, was heard going off during soccer match.

86 Comments on Terrorist Attacks in Paris ~~ Developing Story~~

  1. How many people were killing and shouting ‘Jesus saves’? Never mind. It’s the religion of peace again. Allah Fubar you mindless, murderous, primitive savages.
    The hostage situation sounds like they were going for another Beslan-style siege.

    What lazlo said above times 2! Wake up and smell the jihad you sheep.

  2. And their attack horses! Always showing their teeth, begging for carrots and apples in the streets, pooping everywhere!!!
    And they’re always giving them innocent names like, Sugarfoot, Bo, and Pretty Girl. LIES!!!

  3. http://www.lefigaro.fr/ updating often if you read French. The UK Telegraph has this live….

    I hate that these worthless pieces of shiite are getting attention. But then I think how much the dhimmi government would cover up if the media were not reporting. Perhaps it’s best to cover the carnage up close and personal until the French get tired of having their blood spilled by Muslim invaders.

  4. Its either lack of economic opportunity or the confederate flag. Pick one and we will go with it… or microagressions at University of Paris maybe??? Police use of force ???? High tuition rates ??? Tell us Odinga, cnn, nbc, please. Just dont use the mohammed video guy again. Hitlery already used that one.

  5. France and England were bombed continually in the 80s and never learned. They’re just not going to learn and the world will end up having to bomb both countries and everything in between to stop muslims. So be it.

  6. Genocidal European backlash in 3….2….1….

    Hope they hang their treasonous politicians, too. Good hemp rope is going to be in high demand going forward. About fucking time, too.

  7. The French people, that portion that is still worth a shit, need to dust off the guillotine and take the initial steps toward putting a stop top this shit. Their treasonous fucking politicians have thrown in with the enemy and if the French do this right what remains of their political class will have the right attitude going forward.

  8. It was just this past January that the Hebdo attacks took place and Europe and the world was shocked for a hot minute, yet continued it’s forceful, willful and suicidal policies of massive islamic immigration.

    My heart and home are in France and my work in Rome and Terni, so it saddens me beyond belief to see what is happening. Unfortunately, as horrible as this is, this is not going to be the impetus that will set Europe ablaze–though, that is coming.

    Let us not forget that for islam, the big prize in Europe is going to the conquering of Rome (the seat of Christianity) and America (the great satan).

    Listening to the various news reports just reiterates that the West just does not get it. So yeah, Europe is indeed lost.

  9. reports are in that there are over one hundred people are dead in the concert hall…….at what point does pacifism stop?
    there were only 2 armed animals …..they have to reload sometime sheeple!

  10. That’s the sick feeling I have in my stomach. I know it’s been said before and people light candles, throw up a hashtag and in a week it’s back to normal. This isn’t normal.

    I’m anxious to talk to my parents (they are 84 & 85) to get their perspective. They grew up in a different America though. 🙁

  11. Calm down everyone! There’s Peace in our Lifetime!
    The UN Security Council has just declared that this is just another instance of ‘Workplace Violence’. Please ignore this; go out to the Malls & spend your money.
    All Is Well

  12. TY rhettsgirl. You have it correct. Maybe the Holy Father’s stance on “immigration” is just a preemptive white flag waving to terrorists who just want to have a home in Rome. (I say this with a heavy heart, because I am a practicing RC.)

  13. Weren’t you just mad at him five hours ago?

    I told my wife when I got home from work just now that Trump was talking about bombing the shit out of ISIS last night, OfuckingBama said this morning that ISIS was contained, and Trump just shredded whatever shred of credibility Obama might have had after this.

    Build the fucking wall. And start the fucking purge NOW.

  14. DOB 1955. Hell I grew up in a different America.
    The last time I was in France the French in my age group still had a great since of patriotism and devotion to their flag, country and history. They could be very chauvinistic about their culture.
    Socialism and naming the government as mother, father and provider has destroyed Europe

  15. Some of us and before that Yasser Arafat, the Achille Lauro, the ’72 Olympics and much more.
    For most it’s at least 50 years of saying ‘nothing to do with Islam’.

    It could be a ‘stop the world I want to get off’ moment, however, in fight or flight I choose to fight.

  16. Whoop ti do the UN Security Council comdemns the attack.
    Another count down; waiting for the UN to blame Jews, the US, women.
    And another: Waiting for MSLSD to somehow blame Bush/Cheney/Cruz/Carson/Trump.

  17. First, my heart is heavy with sadness tonight. Second, a country that can close its borders, priceless and invaluable though mismanaged, as most are. Third, Merkel, you dumb evil bitch and the remaining leaders of Europe, sadly this is just the beginning.

  18. Notice that the very first thing the French government did?…. declare Martial Law!
    …think about it…..Bush didn’t even do that on 9/11
    It’s every Regressive’s wet dream

  19. Not long ago they charged Brigitte Bardot with the crime of “inciting racial hatred” just for speaking a little bit of truth about the dangers of islam.

    Prosecutors asked that the Paris court hand the 73-year-old former sex symbol a two-month suspended prison sentence and fine her 15,000 euros ($23,760) for saying the Muslim community was “destroying our country and imposing its acts”.

    These terror attacks will continue as long as they let the moslems do whatever the fuck they want to do. They will have to be rounded up and dealt with before the problem can ever be controlled. They seem to be weakened with every attack, when they should be getting stronger and more willing to fight.

    Closing the border, a bit fucking late, eh?

    They are facing BIG troubles from here on out if they don’t start fighting the enemy instead of rolling out a welcome mat.

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