Test – IOTW Report


What’s the first thing you notice about this picture?tester

The test was to see if you are color blind, not noticing that each person received the color plate matching their skin color.

This test proves absolutely nothing.

Carry on.

50 Comments on Test

  1. 1. Wondering if the Asian was drinking liquor through a straw.
    2. What the hell do they have to be happy about? Must work for Gubmint.
    3. Are they eating at Safeway? That’s the only place I see that horrid 3 color pasta salad sold.
    4. Finally saw the plate colors but figured they must have switched plates around because the fat white guy on the end looks like he is eating salad and that would only happen if a woman was around.

    Friday I went to a restaurant that had all black plates and this morning a different place had all white plates.

    Most plates are white. Is the clay used in pottery racist? Can we address that with a march or a social justice workshop please? I told the people at the restaurant this morning that they need trigger warnings when they bring out the plates. I think the young waitress thought I was serious.

    I did eat my food but first put on my aqua colored John Lennon glasses so my head wouldn’t explode from my white privilege.

  2. Nope. Never had to thankfully. But on the flip side of the coin I’ve been on many business lunches with many different people and what I stated are my observations. It’s also my observation that professional black people are not tight with their money. Can’t say the same for others.

  3. Well Brad, I have.
    The funny thing is, all the black waiters and waitresses HATED when they got a black table.
    They wanted ABB…anybody…

    Even in fine restaurants, blacks don’t tip for shit.
    It is well known.
    They don’t even tip other blacks.

  4. I’m as conservative and yes Red Neck as anybody here. But I’m learning Black or White doesn’t have much to do with generosity. Your available cash flow does. And available cash flow for a lot of us sucks due to Liberal Progressive economic policies that actually started with GW. I can’t speak for other skin colors but so far I’m not impressed.

  5. First, I noticed the asian guy’s goofy grin. Next, I thought this might be a diversity propaganda ad – they left out the hispanic guy, or is he at the register?

  6. Not my personal experience, and I have another option for what you should do with that mic.

    “Drops Mic, walks away”. Honestly that starting to sound really gay.

  7. Didn’t notice the color of the plates. Saw the star shaped bowl the first guy had and ASSumed it was a gay bar. Lol I’m not racist just homophobic.

  8. Just how many “Asian” people actually have “yellow” skin? I honestly have NEVER understood that stereotype. Heck, very few blacks in the USA are as black as that plate, only the 100% pure blooded African natives right out of the smack-dab middle of the bush are that black, as far as I’ve ever seen.

    Oh, wait, I’m “white male” so I don’t have a right to talk about race.

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