Tether Might Be an Even Bigger Crypto Scam – IOTW Report

Tether Might Be an Even Bigger Crypto Scam


The story you’re about to hear concerns the third-largest crypto-currency on the planet, which you’ve probably never heard of. It is a story of how a former Disney child-actor — a Jeffrey Epstein associate who was embroiled in an under-age sex scandal — bizarrely emerged as one of the world’s strangest crypto-currency moguls. It is the story that raises serious questions as to whether an entire cryptocurrency is a scam — effectively a private money-printer. And to top it all off, there is reason to believe that if this cryptocurrency is the scam that it appears to be, it will nonetheless be allowed to continue because of this particular cryptocurrency’s usefulness to intelligence agencies in funneling money to foreign rebel groups and jihadis with plausible deniability. More

12 Comments on Tether Might Be an Even Bigger Crypto Scam

  1. A few years ago politicians were telling us crypto is/could be used by criminals for malicious purposes. What, you didn’t think they were actually talking about themselves?

    Why not? The crypto ponzi is run exactly like the US dollar fiat ponzi that government also controls. Just to be certain, a few days ago the US decided to start testing a CBDC digital dollar for the next 12 weeks, initiated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York “to assess the feasibility of a blockchain-based network for settling liabilities.” More like the ability to seize, manage, and spy on your finances. It will eventually be adopted and the buzzword “convenience” will be in your face because that’s literally the only good thing to say about it.

  2. you ain’t seen nothing yet….wait until they force a Government run digital currency on us…..money will be flowing in all the wrong directions without a trace……can’t wait!

  3. Once again, I understand that I’m an Idiot but I have a few questions.

    No electricity, no coin transactions. ???

    If electricity gets more expensive, the cost of “Mining” should go up. Like diesel at a gold mine, it is a direct input to cost. That does not sound inflation proof to me in the LONG TERM.

    If the USA & Canuckistan are currently low on electricity during PEAK DEMAND how does a Crypto Economy function when you are discouraged from using Air Conditioning or Charging your Tesla.

    “Cold Wallets” have been lost, self destructed after cracking attempts, & also found to be completely Empty when cracked. (Many times in the last few years)

    ChYnA has allegedly Banned it due to the diversion of Electricity from essential needs.

    Your stuck in a Shithole part of Mexico with your family during a blackout and you need to Bugout of a shitty area. I doubt the cabbie is going to take your crypto with a dead phone vs your male wedding ring, your $400-$800 watch, or Cash. (you’d be nuts to bring anything more expensive to Mexico in the first place)

    The governments are ACTIVELY trying to ban it or create their OWN digital currency due to tax avoidance.

    Many mines are in SHITHOLES, cold countries that cannot grow food, & remote locations. They are selling us shit, & we are giving them commodities, food, & manufactured goods. Iceland is nice, but who the hell wants to import shark meat fermented in piss for dinner? HARKAL -it real.

    The Ontario Teachers Pension Fund just wrote of $95 million in this last fraud & they are some of the most experienced pension investors in the world. (obviously not run by teachers)

    I would honestly like to know.

  4. @Kcir, I keep repeating myself. Gold & silver is the only viable option for sound money with no counterparty risk. Keynesian fiat currency (aka “money”) and derivatives thereof (including crypto as it’s based on the same principles) always eventually find their true intrinsic value – Zero. Inflation, a true theft of wealth, didn’t exist before fiat. The fiat banking system uses many multiples more electricity than crypto, both are highly dependant on electricity. There’s nothing good to say for any modern monetary system today from the standpoint of a free private citizen. Government LOVES it though. That should tell everyone everything they need to know, but most are blissfully sound asleep, slaves to the system watching their perceived wealth on an electric screen. It all leads to manipulation in the precious metals market that operates independent of supply and demand in order to prop up the dollar, but even with all their suppression tactics, gold still buys today what it bought 100 years ago. The downfall of currencies is snowballing and the cliff edge is rapidly approaching. This downfall is leading to digital dollars to globalize the whole deal, but I don’t see a large portion of the population willingly going along.

  5. y’all do realize that the whole global currency market is exactly the same as this crypto-scam?

    buckle up your chinstraps … it’s only gonna get worse for us prols

    p.s. anyone smart is already networking to use barter systems … & it’s only gonna work in more rural systems. if you don’t have anything to barter – stock up (liquor, canned goods, candles, propane, etc.)

  6. @ecp November 20, 2022 at 8:07 pm

    > Inflation, a true theft of wealth, didn’t exist before fiat.

    No. Just, no.

    (How many generations of monkeys? Needed to bang on typewriters? Before that “idea”? Passed a spellcheck?)

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