Texas A&M Strips Student Body President of Win and Hands It To The Losing Gay Candidate – IOTW Report

Texas A&M Strips Student Body President of Win and Hands It To The Losing Gay Candidate

Texas A&M has disqualified a student, who won by over 700 votes, because he used glow sticks that he purchased in a campaign video. They claim this violated the limitation on the amount of campaign finances that could be used.

As a punishment, they handed the win to the losing candidate.

Why is this a big deal?

Well, Texas A&M is touting this as a “win for diversity” because the new president is a homosexual.

How is this a win? He lost. Unless, of course, the decision was made BECAUSE the kid is homosexual. That would be the only reason to celebrate what happened as a “win for diversity.” (In reality, it would be a win for idiots that engineer diversity.)

This whole thing stinks. It stinks like a …  (I won’t do the obvious joke.)


25 Comments on Texas A&M Strips Student Body President of Win and Hands It To The Losing Gay Candidate

  1. Example: I have a project that needs to be done with 10 people. I find my 10 strongest candidates are say all Japanese. I find my 10 weakest are a mix of races, sexual identities, trans, etc. If I go with the 10 Japanese people, the project will be done correctly the first time, on time and under budget. If I go with diversity, the project has a 85% chance of being completely incorrectly, will go over way over budget and take 1 year longer to complete.

    Can Lib lurking out there explain how diversity is a strength here? Or anywhere for that matter when work has to be done.

  2. “This whole thing stinks. It stinks like a … (I won’t do the obvious joke.)”

    Let me try: It stinks like a glow stick in the hands of the new Student Body Prez ??

  3. Didn’t a blackened mocha, illegal-alien-invading-rat-person (preferably Salvadoran, Ecuadoran, or Guatemalan), indian-ancestry, homosexually lesbian, child-molesting, drug-dealing, gun-running, cross-dressing, moslem with a lisp, a cleft palate, and a club foot, run?

    “Diversity is our Strength!”

    A straight-up fag isn’t enough any more.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Two Aggies were out duck hunting and they hadn’t gotten a duck all day….One Aggie said” what do you think we’re doing’ wrong?”….the other Aggie replied ” I don’t think we’re throwing the dog high enough”…

  5. Remember boys and girls… Faggots are the most importantist people in the whole wide fucking world!!!!… If you’re a heterosexual, then you’re just bad and the cause of global warming.

  6. Back in the Sixties, black men would say to white hippie chicks, “Prove you’re not a racist! Have sex with us!”

    Soon, the homosexuals will say to young millennial men, “Hey, hater! Prove you’re no homophobe! Bend over!”

    It’s only a matter of time.

  7. My alma mater. Pathetic. Like most every place else, A&M has gone full on diversified PC feminist faggot. Don’t think that this is some admirable place of conservative thinking. People in the community, probably, but not on campus. I was with some Ag faculty last month and all they did was complain and moan about Donald Trump. The feminists and multicult PCers have wormed their way into the academic floorboards everywhere.

  8. Aggies and Faggies, I like that!
    Yes Major, shame on A&M. But the diversicrats were there on campus 25 years ago. The place is teeming with diversity. Loaded with incompetent foreigner faculty. I have friends on the faculty but I know they also lean pretty far left.

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