Texas counties that requested disaster aid for border crisis haven’t got it, officials say – IOTW Report

Texas counties that requested disaster aid for border crisis haven’t got it, officials say

JustTheNews-While Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this spring allocated $1 billion in border security funds to the state’s Department of Public Safety and 1,000 members of law enforcement to secure the border, counties that made disaster declarations over the illegal migrant crisis say they still haven’t received the resources they sought four months later.

“Kinney County has not received anything that we requested from the governor on April 21,” County Attorney Brent Smith told Just The News. “We have heard promises and have been told that all the resources that we so desperately require are available, but thus far, nothing has been delivered. Empty promises don’t keep our residents safe. Empty promises don’t secure our border.”

The disaster declarations requested that the governor provide “additional law enforcement to uphold the sovereignty and territorial integrity” of their counties. They also requested that “the governor of Texas provide state military forces to aid in controlling conditions in the county aby assisting the county sheriff in the enforcement of law and the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the county.” more

4 Comments on Texas counties that requested disaster aid for border crisis haven’t got it, officials say

  1. I had a job to place three ECIs (pair gains based on ISDN, but not quite), and ordered three ECIs. My boss, Tom, pounded the table and told me this acquisition mangled his budget for the year.

    “What the hell are you going to DO with THREE of them?”

    I quoted the job and he looked it up in WAFA.

    “Oh, shit. Doesn’t PICs cover this?”

    “PICs? PICs has ceased to exist, Tom.”

    “Nofuckingbody told me that!”

    I was not used to Tom frothing and pounding tables.

    And I saw the look in his eyes. It was really time for both of us to go. I stayed on for about four more years. Tom left a few years after me.

    Entropy, again.

    How do you steal a billion dollars and have nothing to show?

    Look at Verizon, and ECIs.

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