Texas governor boycotts Major League Baseball – IOTW Report

Texas governor boycotts Major League Baseball

WND- Reacting to Major League Baseball’s decision to withdraw the All-Star Game from Atlanta because of Georgia’s election-integrity law, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declined to throw out the first pitch at the Texas Rangers’ home opener.

Abbott said Monday he won’t take part in any Major League Baseball events, and Texas won’t host the All-Star game. more here

12 Comments on Texas governor boycotts Major League Baseball

  1. So they move the all star game to Colorado that has more restrictive voting laws than Georgia. Curt Schilling has a good idea, people should vote for the worst players in mlb for the all star game.

  2. I’d totally play in the all star game.

    “Short stop…California Angels of Anaheim…Aaron Maximilian Rodrigo Napoleon Burr”

    “Veteran player here Phil, last at bat…..1998. Had a .221 batting average…hit’s left AND right…”

    “That’s right Don, we’ll see how he stacks up against the other all stars that showed up for this game, like the Phillie Phanatic, some guy in a wetsuit and flippers…and of course, home crowd favorite, the Frito Bandito.”

    “WOULD YOU ALL PLEASE RISE, KNEEl, or get naked and rub on some baby oil for the National Anthem as sung by a deaf skirt who will only be singing the vowels.”

  3. Loco…

    Can’t we play the all-star game in Georgia? Has to be some sandlot open that week. West Coast vs East Coast. Fur pitches for the easties and we get Brad under the D.H. rule.

    Also, I really want to try out my awesomely corked bat.


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