Texas: Pierce Bush, GOP Congressional Candidate And H.W.’s Grandson, Marched In Anti-Trump Protest In 2017 – IOTW Report

Texas: Pierce Bush, GOP Congressional Candidate And H.W.’s Grandson, Marched In Anti-Trump Protest In 2017

Daily Caller: Republican Texas congressional candidate Pierce Bush, the grandson of former President George H.W. Bush, marched in an anti-Trump protest in January 2017, according to photos he posted on his personal Facebook page.

Bush jumped into the GOP primary for Texas’ 22nd Congressional District on Monday. “It’s time for new leaders to stand for conservatism that empowers all Americans, placing individuals above government and ensuring we all have the freedom to achieve success in life,” he said in his launch video.

While Bush might benefit from his family name in running for a congressional seat once held by his late grandfather, his past anti-Trump activism could be a stumbling block in an already crowded primary race.

“In the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, my sister, Lauren, and I marched near Battery Park NYC (where people arrived after leaving Ellis Island) with thousands of people today against the immigration ban. No ban. No fear. Refugees are welcome here. #nationofimmigrants #diversityisourstrength,” Bush wrote in a Jan. 29, 2017, post that included three photos from a protest against President Donald Trump’s travel ban. more here

35 Comments on Texas: Pierce Bush, GOP Congressional Candidate And H.W.’s Grandson, Marched In Anti-Trump Protest In 2017

  1. the Roosevelts, the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clinton Cabal, the Obama Regime

    no, no, a thousand times NO!!! … the United States is NOT rivaling monarchy’s!

    History is replete w/ thousands of examples of great rulers & weak family successors … bet you can’t name many (it took a couple of internecine disputes to get from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I; Napoleon would’ve done better than to name his family as rulers of his conquered ’empire’) ‘

    … we can’t seem to break out of this loop

  2. Frat boy skipped military service in Grandpa’s wars entirely. No reserves, no National Guard, nothing. He went to Georgetown and Univ of Austin 2004-2008.

    I hope the voters SHAME HIM so he never runs again.

  3. Is his father, the infamous Neil Bush, the unindicted member of the Colorado Savings and Loan coverup that saw millions lose everything, but was saved by the fact that daddy was/had been president and was told naughty naughty boy and was not sent to jail like the rest of them, reminds me of John McStain and the Keating five in Arizona butt wipe coverup, didn’t he sing to prosecutors to keep from being jailed as well? McStains and sissy Graham’s role in the money laundering in Ukraine is getting too close for sissy to hide from, his re-election could go up in flames if it is exposed before next year’s primary, let’s hope his flaming ass cannot be on the ballot again, rino never Trumper useless mouthful of schiff do nothing fake.

  4. Both his grandparents, both his aunts + uncles and 4 of his cousins told us VOTE CLINTON in Oct ’16. That this leftist is anti Trump is no shock. the shock is that the progressive Bush Clan still lie about being “R”! I refuse to believe that anyone believes the liberal Bush liars anymore. some may say they do AND THEY LIE!

  5. “… leaders … that empowers all Americans …”

    Not really clear on that whole “We, the People” shit, is he?
    Hey Pierce! Ever heard of a Republic?
    That’s where We, the People, elect agents and representatives to do our bidding- NOT fuhrers!

    Fuck off. Another stinking, cottage-cheese oozing Bush.

    izlamo delenda est …


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