Texas Senate Passes Bill Forbidding Social Media Companies from Censoring Residents Over Political Views – IOTW Report

Texas Senate Passes Bill Forbidding Social Media Companies from Censoring Residents Over Political Views

Western Journal- The Texas state Senate passed a bill Thursday forbidding social media companies from discriminating against users based on their political viewpoints or locations within the state.

Senate Bill 12 would allow Texans who are wrongfully suspended or blocked for religious or political views on a social media platform, such as Facebook and Twitter, to get back on the site, the Washington Examiner reported.

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8 Comments on Texas Senate Passes Bill Forbidding Social Media Companies from Censoring Residents Over Political Views

  1. Americans have been around a lot longer than “social media” has. What if we just went back to the old ways? How about that? As far as I can tell it’s all just a big time suck and distraction from actually living a full life. “Social Media” seems also to attract the lower angels in people’s lives. Eventually. No one thinks anymore, they simply react.

  2. I’d like to see this succeed, but I have serious doubts that it will.

    I just don’t see the momentum against social media developing among the majority of people (at least at this point) that would make it work to the extent that it would be effective.

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