Texas Win: Judge issues order blocking Biden from destroying state’s border fence – IOTW Report

Texas Win: Judge issues order blocking Biden from destroying state’s border fence

JTN: A federal judge issued an extraordinary temporary restraining order Monday barring the Biden administration from destroying or tampering with a temporary concertina wire fence installed by Texas to protect its border with Mexico.

Chief U.S. District Judge Alia Moses, in Del Rio, ruled Texas had a likelihood of prevailing it its lawsuit and would suffer significant harm if federal officials were allowed to keep dismantling the fence.

The decision dealt a stinging rebuke to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and a win for states seeking to enforce border security on their own in the absence of help from the federal government.

More than 10 million immigrants have illegally entered the United States under President Joe Biden’s policies, federal data shows. more

16 Comments on Texas Win: Judge issues order blocking Biden from destroying state’s border fence


    I read a meme today that went something like this, How could the worlds largest standing army, the American Citizens, sit back and let this happen to them? Imagine what they’ll do to you when you are disarmed.
    I don’t think my dads generation would have allowed this to happen.

  2. @Brad ~ I don’t think China cares one whit about the US border …. the more open the better

    but, I catch your drift about the present ‘leaders’ & their current progeny. you need to remember, half the US population is all-in for our demise … as if somehow, the US is the problem to all the world’s ills … bunch of spoiled brats in need of an ass whippin’ … our ‘leaders’ know this & gladly feed their jealousy & hatred.


    ” I catch your drift about the present ‘leaders’ & their current progeny. you need to remember, half the US population is all-in for our demise ”

    Agreed and I think that’s a very interesting point I’ve hurt my little mind thinking about. We are a Republic. By definition a Republic protects the individuals. And there’s a whole shit load of us individuals that really like our Constitution. Do we have the right, the Constitutional duty, to kill the rest of these bastards? Your thoughts, or any one else’s please.

  4. @Brad ~ you just made a brilliant comment (at least the way I read it, before I closed one eye!)

    “Pretty sure I haven’t made the watch list I’m on right now” … hilarious … & true for all of us here!

    you can call me (or any of us) … ‘Pretty Sure’

    (… until that knock on the door @ 3:00 AM by Officer Friendy)


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