“Thank God For Trump. You People Are Going Down!” – Black Woman Shouts SANCTUARY CITIES ARE RACIST! – IOTW Report

“Thank God For Trump. You People Are Going Down!” – Black Woman Shouts SANCTUARY CITIES ARE RACIST!

“Sanctuary cities are racist” cried an African American woman at a town hall meeting at the City of Cudahy California where a vote was held to establish sanctuary status. The passionate woman carried home the fact African American communities have been robbed of opportunity because of illegal immigration.


ht/ annie

15 Comments on “Thank God For Trump. You People Are Going Down!” – Black Woman Shouts SANCTUARY CITIES ARE RACIST!

  1. the charge of racism is the rubber band that you’d best not pull too hard on

    this woman is correct, sanctuary cities are coddling illegal hispanics

    and the left, the ones who love to throw the “racist” charge the most, are ironically the racists who created the plantation for blacks, pandered to them for votes and power, and pushed a president for 2 disastrous terms because he was black

    leftists have used racism most effectively, but the tide may be turning, much as it is on the lying press

  2. The Democrats want to replace blacks with hispanics, because the hispanics vote more regularly than the blacks, and the Dem leadership fantasizes that the hispanics will keep voting for the Dem leadership. California suggests otherwise, of course.

    As soon as they reach critical mass in an area, their own people run for office, and the hispanics all vote for the hispanic candidates, to the complete exclusion of the Dem leadership tribe.

  3. Immigration criminals who use other people’s Social Security numbers, driver licenses, etc. are also IDENTITY THIEVES!

    Ask everyone who wants open borders, “Are any “undocumented workers” destroying YOUR credit rating by using YOUR Social Security number?”

  4. Twelve years ago, we hired a white contractor to build an outdoor fireplace, stone patio and some stack stone walls, based on his promise that his labor would be American citizens. His crew turned out to be a middle-aged black man and the man’s twentysomething son, who was learning the trade. They did a beautiful job.

    I was talking with my dad some time later about the work and the crew, and he told me that back in the 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s, black men were very prevalent in the masonry trade. Things went downhill after that, and while much of the slide can be blame on socialism and cultural decay, Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act gets a big chunk of the blame too.

  5. Proof that Dems choose Hispanics over Black’s.
    Black people have been complaining for years, that Illegals were taking their jobs left & right. All for good reason,it happened and is still happening.
    There were many jobs that Blacks had a Monopoly on,no more.where were the libs at…They were out leading the fight for more Illegal Mexicans,to come to come over and Breed for their cause. Black lives only Matter to Libs, if those Black Lives are voting for them

  6. What a warrior. God bless this lady. I can just see her going about her business, working hard, church going (she Fruedian slipped the word “denominations” for “nationalities”) law abiding and politically savvy. No doubt she’s tried to inform her Obamaite friends and family with little success – still she’s no discouraged.
    Finally, she found her opportunity to speak up because enough is enough and Mr. Trump won. That was it, she wasn’t holding back any more.

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