“…thank us for what we’ve done in Flint” – IOTW Report

“…thank us for what we’ve done in Flint”


The Rev. Faith Green-Timmons invited Donald Trump (R-NY) to address her congregation at the Bethel United Methodist Church in Flint, MI, then cut him off when he tried to point out how Hillary Clinton in particular and democrats in general have failed the African-American community.


If you don’t want a stump speech, don’t invite a candidate to your church weeks before the election.


40 Comments on “…thank us for what we’ve done in Flint”

  1. Trump pulls the curtain away and exposes all to sunlight.

    He is like a protaganist in a vampire movie operating in daylight…and he fears the night not. He has the siver bullets and the hammer and stakes.

  2. I went to her facebook. She has pictures of herself with the Flint Mayor and with some leftist D Congresswoman while waiting for Obama to get to the rally where he made the entire water crisis about politics.
    A few days before the Trump visit she had posted an anti-Trump rant and then deleted it before anyone could really see it.
    Just because she’s a minister doesn’t mean she isn’t human and doesn’t mean she isn’t a left wing tool.

  3. Just like the closed minded nit wit I had a conversation with yesterday. He’s a former Jehovah Witness who got tossed out of the church on his ass. He’s a Hillary supporter, a veteran, and he stopped me on the street to debate me on the election. I told him he was using his JW tactics to persuade me but I’m much smarter than that. Every step of the way I had a counter, he just simply walked away. Trump is learning some lessons along the way with these so-called “people of God.” Maybe he should read Ann Coulters book on Godless People.

  4. She was encouraging Mr Trump to ‘hide his talents under a bushel’, something which the good book instructs us not to do. As in a bushel basket.
    ‘let your good works so shine that they may be seen before men and that they may glorify your Father, who is in heaven’

  5. “You’ve discriminated against black tenants,” one said, seeming to reference a New York Times report detailing how Trump and his father frequently denied African-Americans applying to buy or rent in their buildings.

    “No, I never,” Trump said, as he was leaving.

    Trump was thinking “I don’t dabble in Section-8, and oh by the way, given a choice would YOU want to live amongst them? Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

  6. I’m gonna take a beating for this…
    1 Timothy 2:12… But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. [13] For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. [14] And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell i into transgression.

    How is it, that this woman claims to be a Christian, yet intentionally violates the very Word of God?

  7. The saddest part about this story, You know they had to settle on Trump coming to Flint, because Obama and Hillary don’t want to be associated with that failure or be held to account for making promises they have no intention of ever keeping to that community.

  8. I didn’t see the speech, so I may be entirely wrong, but if he was able to at least say that the D’s and Killery were to blame and they saw him get shut down by one of their ‘leaders’, then all is well. Let them make up their own minds. In other words, they can’t unring Trump’s bell.

  9. Fox and Friends is always playing at the gym in the mornings and they had Trump on the phone. They played that clip and asked him to comment and then showed him a couple tweets from that church showing it was a set up.

  10. He beat them at their own game if it was an ambush. He was gracious, polite, Presidential when he showed up invited in hostile territory.

    He lied earlier though, I wont’t get tired of winning 🙂

  11. Just like with the female grabbing the old man at a rally, and when he turned she falls down on purpose, with a “SNAP” got the photo, then posts it on FB …”see how mean trump supporters are, they hurt this poor old granny”. ON VIDEO with someone’s phone, she stalked the old man being led by a woman, then pounced on him. Lefties are brain dead zombies. No end to them.

  12. Voir Dire, I marvel at these pathetic creeps trying to engineer their own victimization at the hands of Trump supporters, thinking they are going to be the iconic representative of “That One Moment Which Revealed The Evil Of Trump Nazis”. What gets me is that the Party of Soccer-lovers has nobody who can fake an injury convincingly.

  13. Love these comments. Spot on. What the enemies meant for evil the Lord will turn to good (Genesis 50:20). Despite the set up, Trump earnestly tried to set free some of the leftist plantation dwellers. Not surprised a apostate “reverend”, dike, leftist operative acting like a plantation foreman, tried to stop Trump from speaking the truth. Well, the rev is too late and failed. There are plenty of leftist plantation escapees now stumping for Trump testimonies on youtube.

  14. Trump carried the day yesterday with this remark.

    ” It used to be you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico and we made cars in Flint. Now you can’t drink the water in Flint and we make cars in Mexico”

    Mic Drop

  15. Had a friend in Georgia who went through domestic violence. They are black but I could relate to her story. Attended her C3 none profit church in support of her and they had this guy up there preaching that he was a convicted children molester. But he did his time in prison and that god told him to get back into preaching. We’ll there he was with people supporting him! I left with my son and never went back. Did tell her my feelings, but she was long gone to even have a discussion.

  16. Does anybody out there have the sense or the compassion to realize that an entire city has been literally poisoned with water provided by a municipality? Something as simple as clean drinking water that we so take for granted is the reason so much attention is needed here. It took outsiders from a university to come in and show scientific proof that the discolored and malodorous drinking water was indeed “not safe” as the politicians all the way up the line had said for a long time.

    This Pastor and this local church and the other donors around the country that have gone out of the way to try and help the situation should be thanked. This minister shows leadership to provide an avenue for bringing substantive, useful and sincere attention to the continuing problem. Politics and race aside, we are all human beings and the injustice that has been perpetuated against these citizens should be the foremost issue. It and people should not be “used” as a prop to a political maneuver.
    The millions of dollars being spent on campaigns could certainly be used to help solve the problems (even a case or two of water might have been a real help).
    The racist, yes I said it, personal attacks on the minister and comments about watermelon and fried chicken are beyond deplorable and possibly so are those that stoop to those levels when responding to such an important issue as the health and life and death of other human beings.
    There is a Golden Rule, or its equivalent in almost every religion, let’s all try to live by it.

  17. Trump is bringing national attention to the mess that is in Flint, MI. He is trying to make it better. That is more than Obama and Clinton are doing, and their team of Demorats who caused it by driving the cost of making cars through the ozone layer. Thanks UAW, thanks Democrats. When the jobs left, no one was around to pay the taxes to treat the water, the treatment plants, and make potable water for the city. The end result of life on the plantation known as Flint, MI, viz a viz the Democratic socialist party, is what you see there now. So how much really does the Democratic party care about the poor, the jobless, those hit by floods and disasters? NOT MUCH! You cannot drag Obama off the golf course long enough to do a damned thing, and Hillary won’t show up because they cannot afford to pay her fees of $250,000 for ten minutes of coughing and hacking. At least Trump cares and went to try and help. If the rev woman wanted a sermon about how much she has done for Flint, instead of what Trump said, she should have preached and not let him speak at all. TOOTING your own horn is so charming, don’t you know?

  18. One other item in the news today. Wells Fargo posted a letter to its customers regarding many many complaints filed by elderly clients about the Democratic Party taking illegally multiple deductions from the old folks accounts. They showed proof of what started out as a $20 one time donation being repeatedly hit by the DNC. The DNC won’t take over $100 at a time, because that would trigger the Federal Elections Commission audit. But they are stealing just under $100 over and over. So if you know any old folks who would contribute to that loser organization, you may remind them to check their statements, bank accounts, and credit cards, for abuse by the DNC. This is a perfect example which goes to the nature of Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Clinton Cartel, and their slaves at the Democratic National Committee. Pack of thieves that should be executed.

  19. Ten-Ten —

    Thanks for bringing that up. I agree. I don’t believe in female pastors/reverend/rabbis/etc. Men should lead the church. Women should support them. (That includes keeping the men in the right way if necessary.)

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