Thanks For All We Have – IOTW Report

Thanks For All We Have

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17 Comments on Thanks For All We Have

  1. I’m thankful that Mom had a successful cancer treatment. Thank you for the kind thoughts from Claudia and Irony. I’m also thankful for still having full time employment, a roof over my head, and wheels to get me back and forth. Adding to that, I have an amazing pastor at my church who never struggles for words (unlike some preezy we all know) and inspires us to have greater faith. I am grateful to the readers and contributors here for the ongoing conversation of events in our lives. And especially BFH for making it happen. He bears a heavy load in keeping up with his endeavor.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

  2. From above: “There is no humanity or civilization without women.”

    They are the keepers of the feast. Of tradition, hearth and home.

    Bless the wives, the mothers, the daughters. They remind us men our world would be a colder place without their hands.

  3. The turkey-dog is just adorable! Thank you, Claudia. Excellent pics as always. Happy Thanksgiving to you, everyone who makes this site so excellent and everyone who reads it!

  4. Took my 90 year old mom to a doctor’s appointment this past week and he had a couple of medical students (both nice young girls) siting in. Holidays came up and one of the students asked my mom what her favorites were to which she responded “Easter and Thanksgiving”. The one girl asked what my mom’s favorite part of Thanksgiving was (thinking food-wise) and my mom instead responded “Oh, to be able to give thanks to the Lord for all our many blessings!” It was artlessly and sincerely said, and even if no one else was, I was utterly charmed by her answer.

    Thanks for a wonderful post Claudia – and Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone else at IOTW!!! 🙂

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