That Blowed Up Good – IOTW Report

That Blowed Up Good


Work crews used explosives to blow up a pile of massive rock boulders — some as large as a minivan — blocking a roadway in California’s Sierra Nevada foothills. 

Placer County posted a video of the explosion on Facebook, and the footage is something you’d expect to see in a Hollywood film.

In the comments, people wrote, “Wow,” “Super cool,” “Awesome shot,” and “Tremors movie,” which is likely a reference to the 1990 classic thriller that featured an explosion scene. Here

16 Comments on That Blowed Up Good

  1. Tonights episodes of Fox The Five and Jesse Watters were straight up Twilight Zone.

    Hey Jesse,

    WTF was that? You got played Brother. I warned you about that Perino demon. She no good man. And you fell right into her trap. Even held hands with her. Who got to you? Her tranny son with the Green hair? Or was it that drunk Fumin Humer and his pal Billy O’Reilly. Don’t know what to tell you Jesse. That was pathetic.

    You’re almost fired.

  2. “The explosion broke the rocks into smaller pieces, which are easier to clear than the large boulders that had been there, the county said.”

    Thanks, Captain Obvious.

  3. I love living in Placer County. BLM dirt wagons move to Old Hangtown just so they can agitate, claim victim status, and cause trouble. We just ignore them, and piss on their rims until they move on.

  4. Foresthillbilly

    Ah, a country man. I live just south in El Do. I remember the Auburn invasion. They tried that shit here in the EDH town center. I was leaving the biz park on my way home and watched truck load after truck load of young rednecks carrying baseball bats headed into the Town Center. BLM or Antifa no longer visit here. Or Sheriff at the time, who was awesome, communicated to them, I can no longer guarantee your safety here. LOL. Nice to see you comment here.

  5. A buddy of mine does, so I’m there a lot. The whacktivists are very active in my town during MLK day, trying to turn it into another craphole like Sacramento. The libtarded ninnys march with them, but the smart folks just let the po pos deal with their crime ridden ways.

  6. For some reason Placer county has been attacked by leftist much more the El Dorado County. Which is a mystery to me. Identical geographics. The two counties are damn near synonymous. Must be Roseville. The school district shit alone is enough to make yo scratch your head and start cussing.


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