That Wasn’t Very Bigley of Him – IOTW Report

That Wasn’t Very Bigley of Him

Are moms off-limits?

TEEN stabbed friend to death after finding out pal had been SLEEPING with his MOTHER

I’d like to see the statistics on girls who kill their friends because they slept with the fathers.

ht/ fdr in hell


38 Comments on That Wasn’t Very Bigley of Him

  1. @jclady ~ maybe he wasn’t defending his mother, but defending his family’s honor …. which is more than his mom was doing

    … jus’ sayin’

    or, maybe it was Oedipal … or ….

  2. I don’t see what the big deal is. My mother had a weekend fling with one of my friends, a few years after my parents split up.

    She was single, he was single, both were adults, so who cares? Of course, I was in my 30s at the time, and the dipshit in this story was 19. Maybe that has something to do with it.

  3. I never thought about this till this minute. I have never had sex with a mother.
    Married over 30 years. But my wife can’t have a child. I knew this before marriage not a big deal to me. I was a smart ass when I was younger and I used to tell people there was an order from a judge and that’s why I don’t have kids. The wife was not happy when she heard about this and said “don’t say that it isn’t funny”

  4. @jclady ~ family honor transcends Islam … speaking from a Sicilian point of view, honor killings are world-wide … hell, Shakespeare made an industry of them

    when is murder justified? … if the mother’effer raped mom? … raped little sister? … the cat? … what?

  5. I found out I was a M.I.LF. from my daughter. I didn’t know what it meant and at first thought it was funny. As she became interested in boys, I quickly learned it could become a problem. She was a beautiful young lady but kids in general experience self doubt and emotional conflict while seeking independence and at the same time an allegiance to the parent.
    This mother apparently was lacking basic boundaries. You Don’t Have Sexual With Your Kids Friends. Period. That doesn’t excuse the sons actions, but clearly mom didn’t pass morals/boundaries on to him.
    Respect/trust between parent/child is nourished and developed from infancy thru adulthood. My daughters boyfriends (and friends that were boys) matured and grew out of it, our relationship grew stronger, and I grew… well, older, much older. 😬 Oh to be the fantasy of a youthful boy again…. sigh.

  6. Well, I hesitate to post this. My two sons laughed their asses off while telling me one of their common girl aquantances described me is a DILF. I was offended. I still am.

  7. Bfh took me a sec to figure that out. I suppose I’d be a G.G.I.L.F. I started young.
    No matter, I’m happy just being a mom/GM/GGM who would never cross that line. I mean seriousness, who thinks like that??? That doesn’t compute.

  8. The mother was the problem here. Isn’t what was occuring considered statutory rape? If the genders were flipped we would see much more outrage at the parent here. I for one hope that she gets charged with it.

  9. Years ago I ended up having to take one of my daughter’s bridesmaids, a long-time friend of the family, to her home following my daughter’s wedding. Having seen her dance most of the evening away, I asked if she found any of the young men there to her liking. “Yes,” she purred. “You.”

    Red flags EVERYWHERE. Dropped her off and I went home to hide in my basement.

  10. Here lies a lesson about the difference between western civilization and not.
    The son felt his friend had dishonoured the family and deserves death.
    A Muslim reaction would have been to kill the mother to restore honour.
    They will never assimilate.

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