That’s Entertainment! – IOTW Report

That’s Entertainment!

Admittedly, I have strange tastes, particularly what I find entertaining.

Frequently I am told by people that what I find entertaining they find irritating. This video was a delight.

40 Comments on That’s Entertainment!

  1. Dear Lord in Heaven what was that? Was it female? Or was it male with a manbun? I couldn’t tell. But I’m pretty sure we just got a very clear snapshot of the average social justice warrior (aka loser).

  2. When she’s shaking her arms I thought she was going to knock herself unconscious. HOLY COW… literally. And what’s with that Do? It’s like the ash cloud over Mt. St. Helens.

  3. Now you know her strategy for cutting in front of the food line. Imagine it works your whole life, all 450 pounds of it. Then one day it doesn’t work. That has to be a real let down.

  4. We used to know what to do with people like that. We used to have places called Rest Homes, where their exquisitely tuned sensitivities weren’t stimulated by the the flow of normal life. In lieu of that, it looks like mandatory service in the military might be a cure for what ails that person. Or just get decimated in a war. She’s a front-liner.

  5. no self control.

    very simple. a man, looking for a partner, will pass on her. and so she has created this fake mantra of race, etc., so that the elephant in the room “HER”, is not discussed.

    she is obese. lose 250 lbs. cupcake.

  6. Dr. Tar, that is what most colleges nowadays would call an “honors student”…I’m guessing her(?) entrance essay was given extra points for being suitably SJW worthy.

  7. She probably goes to college on a Sumo Wrestling scholarship. She must wake up every morning and search the web for the most horrendous hair do, glasses, and whatever else comprised her wardrobe. Absolutely freakish.

  8. Just waiting for her to become a new internet meme…this is going to be the new “Leave Brittany Alone” or “Star Wars Boy” with the arm shaking…the .gif should be along shortly.

  9. Today’s child/college student is such an embarrassment.
    Way too much coddling from wimp parents who believe their little prodigy is above average “special” like 0bama thinks he is.

  10. Wow, how different college life is since I attended. I recall discussions (yes, discussions, free exchange of ideas) that covered everything from the merits of busing, to domestic abuse (had a FEMALE professor claim there were theories that posited women in abusive relationships never really want to leave those relationships because they are getting what they want from it..can you imagine THAT being discussed today?), the failings of socialism, etc. College now is nothing but the last 4 years of high school. Half these students should not be attending higher education. They should be in therapy.

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