The 2 Men Arrested in Mosque Shooting – Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed el Khadir (Khadir Released – Only a Witness To the Shooting) – IOTW Report

The 2 Men Arrested in Mosque Shooting – Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed el Khadir (Khadir Released – Only a Witness To the Shooting)

Mohamed el Khadir IS NOW CONSIDERED A WITNESS to the attacks.

Bissonnette, a Former Royal Canadian Army Cadet, Is Studying Anthropology & Political Science at Université Laval.

It “seems” as if this is a lone shooter.

As far as reports that the shooter shouted Allahu Akbar, this could very well have been the Muslims being shot at. They shout Allahu Akbar whether they are the shooters or the targets. It’s like Aloha.

But do we just put our trust in the media and governments that have an agenda to paint Muslims as peaceful people?

I simply do not trust progressives.

USA Today-

At a press conference on Monday afternoon, a police spokesperson said the two are being interrogated but declined to discuss any possible motive. He did confirm the two are Canadian citizens who reside in Quebec.

“We condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims in a center of worship and refuge,” Trudeau said in a statement about Sunday night’s attack during evening prayers. “It is heart-wrenching to see such senseless violence. Diversity is our strength, and religious tolerance is a value that we, as Canadians, hold dear.”

Quebec police say one of the men was arrested at the scene of the attack that also injured eight people. The second man called 911 from his car, saying he was armed but wanted to cooperate with police, the AP reported Denis Turcotte of Quebec police said the man stopped and said he was waiting for police to come and get him. He was arrested near Ile d’Orleans around 9 p.m., according to the AP.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims said there has been an increase in hate crimes, with at least a dozen mosques vandalized across the country last year. However, there have been no incidents of anti-Muslim killings until now.

President Trump called Trudeau Monday to express condolences about the mosque attack.

Iran condemned the deadly shooting, calling it “inhumane and criminal.” Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said the attack shows that “terrorism is not confined to one region or a few countries,” state-media reported.

The lights on the Eiffel Tower will be turned off at midnight to honor the victims, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said. She said in a twee Monday that the action would send a “fraternal message to everyone in Quebec and in Canada.”


18 Comments on The 2 Men Arrested in Mosque Shooting – Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed el Khadir (Khadir Released – Only a Witness To the Shooting)

  1. The marxist pigs on the boards everywhere are immediately spinning that the muslim was a witness and the guy with the French name is really the shooter and a Trump supporter. It never ends with these scumbag leftists. They need the water cannons and the billy clubs. Should’ve taken care of this back in the ’60s. It only egged them on.

  2. This seems to sound more like some Intramural Muslim vs Muslim activity. It’s a little suspicious that Iran was so quick off the mark to condemn it. Need more information though I suspect that the security services may hold back some and the Trudeau government may do the same lest it create a crack in his Disney “We’re a Small World After All” way to world peace and the standard ignoring the obvious.

  3. If the story we are being fed is true (by no means certain), and presuming Canada survives what Trudeau is doing to it, someday Canada will have a national holiday named after Alexandre Bissonnette.

  4. We’ll never get the full accurate story on this shooting. There will be more to follow for sure. There’s a mosque that burned down over the weekend in Texas. Interesting that it took 4 hours to put the fire out. Inside job? It seems like it’s all whirling out of control.

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