The 20 Point Memo That Should Land Joe and Hunter in Federal Prison for 20 Years Each – IOTW Report

The 20 Point Memo That Should Land Joe and Hunter in Federal Prison for 20 Years Each


As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner, Devon Archer, a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier.  Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents. Divulge

15 Comments on The 20 Point Memo That Should Land Joe and Hunter in Federal Prison for 20 Years Each

  1. It’s shit like this that is motivating the TRAITOROUS BASTARD to ramp up the commitment in Ukraine. All these corrupted traitors in DC are doing their best to not have their dirty deeds uncovered. The fact that law enforcement, the military, and the judiciary are all silent makes it clear that they are all in on this!

  2. What we can hope for is that it be completely impossible for anyone to not recognize the roll the Republican establishment plays in these Democrat scandals. No one will be able to deny that without their buy off and participation the crocked bastards have been outed, prosecuted and thrown in prison by now.

  3. 20 years in prison is another waste of our money. Treason is treason. Isn’t it prosecuted as such anymore, or is that also part of the ancient cave scribbles of America’s past?

    I pray Jordan’s committee on weaponization of the Federal gov’t results in the dismantling of the DoJ, et al. We’ve got to prosecute those guys before anything can happen to the Bidens.

  4. joe6 is correct, they are pushinlg for a direct military war between NATO and Russia to deflect from this scandal.

    Suddenly tanks are just Okey Doky although the Logistics tail for 31 Abram’s is massive and sophisticated. Besides we don’t just have spare Abrams sitting around. Jets will be next.

    In the meantime Vlad is buying all the hardware the traitorous Pedo left behind in Afghanistan.

    Putin is dying and while I doubt he will launch nukes at NATO, he can certainly nuke every city in Ukraine and probably will.

    The Pedo will push until he gets hus ass covering wag the dog war.

  5. “Maybe if millions of patriots were in the streets yelling “No Justice No Peace” …”

    The streets would run with blood.
    Not the same as with the ANTIFA/BLM crowd.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Awwww, poor poor babies. But Trumpy boy is soooooooo innocent.
    Well you can always dream in your shorts but cum next Monday this will be just another fantasy, a MAGA fantasy. I farted!

  7. Since they have not/will not be charged with anything,
    on top of Linseed Graham and Pence piping up to defend their lifelong friend “Regular Joe” (vs Incontinent Joe),
    tells you all anyone needs to know that the government is inhabited by treasonous, parasitic criminals.

    He should’ve been DECAPITATED decades ago, not installed as fakePOTUS. IMHO

  8. how much “hard time” have GWB’s girls Lois l and Clinton server?
    The UNOPARTY has power because it has protected UNIPARTY very well for 65 years!
    GWB’ girl Clinton is in prison then hope will worry!

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