RichWill66 pointed out in the comments that the term “triggering” is absolute lunacy. Triggering is what happens when a victim hears a word that is associated with violence, danger or an assault. They go into a PTSD state, or panic attack, anxiety, etc.

The word “trigger,” itself, is a word that could do that.

The left are absolute morons.


  1. I agree with the Czar of Defenestration. The use of the verb “trigger” antedates most firearms and is used in many non-weapon related senses. Here’s what the OED has to say (n.b. this is sense #1) including a few citations:

    1.1 A movable catch or lever the pulling or pressing of which releases a detent or spring, and sets some force or mechanism in action, e.g. springs a trap.

       1621 Markham Prev. Hunger 39 Hard by this loope [of the net] shall there be fastened‥a little broad thin trycker, made sharpe and equall at both ends.    Ibid. 40 The loope and the tricker.    1735 Phil. Trans. XXXIX. 84 That Tricker has a Pin.    1764 Museum Rust. III. lxv. 298 The triggers to throw the rake behind the roots.    1853 Sir H. Douglas Milit. Bridges vi. (ed. 3) 301 The ram was worked by hand-ropes (fig. 8) attached to the fall, which is a much quicker way than by the trigger and drop.    1885 C. G. W. Lock Workshop Receipts Ser. iv. 428/2 (Photography) A trigger is provided for releasing the shutter.  

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. It is indeed true. I am “triggered” and do experience ptsd because my brother was murdered violently by a man who was let out of prison after repeat violent offences. My only solace is that at least now he is now in for life, because I am in the red star state of the North. “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”

  3. Hate to break it to you pedantic Cliff Clavins, but the left is “triggered” by homophones.
    They are triggered by pop tarts that happen to be bitten into a crude shape reminiscent of a firearm.
    They would fall to pieces if someone complimented someone on their “rapier” wit in their presence.
    A guy lost his job for using the word niggardly.
    Is it a stretch to say they would recoil (OMG another firearms term, please tell me if it predates firearms) from the use of the word trigger?

  4. Anonymous — I’m so sorry for the loss of the brother. How awful. I’m “triggered” by the sound of heavy equipment like a garbage truck, etc. backing up and making that beeping noise (if it’s unexpected). I won’t say why, but it was traumatic, too.

    Real “triggers” bypass something in the brain and set off an autonomic response. It seems to me that if you first have to think about why something “triggers” you before you are “triggered” then, frankly, I think you’re just working yourself up into a lather — being a drama queen. You see this sort of thing a lot in teenagers who want to “feel deep feelings” when they haven’t yet had the life experience to have then naturally.

  5. At the risk of stepping on FURs art, I was Woke and Triggered simultaneously yesterday. I was picking up my CCW Renewal at the Sheriffs station and there’s this little old lady, I’m guessing 80, there to pick up her first time carry permit. The Sheriff/Clerk says from behind the glass, “Do you realize you have an open felony warrant?”. My immediate reaction was huh, that’s pretty funny. Nope, called in another Sheriff and carted her off. I’m just left with WTF?

  6. Good news on the renewal. I wonder what that poor old lady did to have an outstanding felony warrant? So she showed up thinking she was there to get her permit? She must have had at least an interview before that, I wonder what took them so long to track her down.

  7. @BFH: You know, I could have sworn that your previous comment was worded differently the first time I read it. I might be mistaken, though.

    Must be that Oldtimer’s disease, huh?


  8. Joe/AA
    She mumbled something about “she thought she had that cleared up”. BUT, in California your gun needs to be registered in your name and listed on your permit. As a matter of fact on your first permit the Sheriffs department wants to actually see the weapons. (You need to leave them in your vehicle and they come out to look at them). Wondering if she actually had a gun in her name? Anyway, it was some what shocking.

  9. Today, I saw a fatass, poneytailed pervert triggered by a bluehair cutting in line. Said geezers had no clue. Almost turned into a slo mo fat-slap and wheeze session at Costco, initiated by the vile pigvermin slob reacting to an elderly’s mistake.

    Not blacks disrespekkin, nor machismo cholo bullshit. Middle-aged, Hawaiian-shirt Simpsonian kiddie-pornist. Older couple. All caucasian.

    Dear non-Texans polluting my great State. Get. The. Fuck. Out.

  10. @BFH:

    Is it a stretch to say they would recoil (OMG another firearms term, please tell me if it predates firearms)

    I was going to point out that “recoil” as an English word has citations that go back to the 14th century, but now I won’t do that.


    I took out the whole part where I said “maybe I shouldn’t make memes anymore.”

    OMG! BFH, you seem to be implying that memes have to be historically, linguistically, and etymologically accurate! NONONONONONO! Those are irrelevant to a good meme, and all your memes are outstanding!

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