The Alternative to Obamacare Lite – IOTW Report

The Alternative to Obamacare Lite


In a meeting between the president and the leaders of various Conservative groups at the WH on Tuesday, the very real potential of just letting Ryan’s bill die and Obamacare fail was held out as a viable option.  This isn’t the first time President Trump has voiced this possibility as a means to eventually get the healthcare reforms desired by the right.




9 Comments on The Alternative to Obamacare Lite

  1. probably the two most effective ways to lower the cost of healthcare insurance is to allow competition amongst HMO’s across state lines and to allow people to have a cafeteria-style ala carte pick-n-choose your options setup.

    Examples: if you’re a nun, you don’t have to buy any plan that covers abortions and birth control! If you’re a Conservatarian, you don’t have to buy a plan that covers mental illness because since you aren’t a Leftist, YOU AREN’T BATSHIT FUCKING CRAZY.

  2. Totally repeal Obamacare, initiate tort reform (loser pays), and make it legal for insurance companies to sell across state lines (DUH – – the commerce clause makes this restriction illegal.) Make it possible and legal for medical schools to service the poor. Then have only a catastrophic insurance plan for the poor.

  3. YES: I hope Trimp listens to these folks, as well as the “RightAngle” video you posted earlier.

    This is EXACTLY what folks like SunDunce over at Conservative BanHouse MUST address, if they’re EVER going to persuade folks.

    Being from D.C., and being raised and bred in the cynicism and bureaucracy of the Federal Government, I’M TORN.

    SunDunce’s argument is (PARAPHRASING): “We must accept and approve Ryan’s approach because the Republicans don’t have the 60 votes to approve the Sentate hurdle”.

    While this DOES persuade my bureaucratic side, my intuitive side says, “THIS IS BULLSH!T!”.

    Considering all things, I like the following approach (SUMMARY: “It’s gotta get worse before it gets better.”):
    VETO THIS BILL. Let ObamaCare go bankrupt, fall and die on its own weight. THEN and ONLY then will Republicans have the moral and political mandate/leverage to KILL OFF THE ENTIRE F*CK3R as it properly should be dealt with.

    It ain’t pretty, BUT:
    given the legal binds which the Dems put us all in with the Original ObamaCare Law, it seems the Republicans MUST end the “phased” approach and GO FULL JUGULAR no matter what the “collateral damage” since, doing the “phased” approach gives the leverage to the Dems (p!ssing off the Right for not getting rid of it and p!ssing off the Left by doing ANYTHING to it).

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