The Annual Exercise in Futility Is Upon Us – IOTW Report

The Annual Exercise in Futility Is Upon Us

Kevin Williamson puts into about 1,200 words what I could say in three- “Waste of Time.”


Still it’s a good read on the nonsense that is the modern State of the Union Address.


22 Comments on The Annual Exercise in Futility Is Upon Us

  1. I doubt I listen. I dislike making myself ill.
    But I predict a new SotU record for saying , “I”. Or other self referring phrase.

    The news this morning reported a few statics from previous SotU addresses.
    Shortest/fewest words George Washington
    Longest/most words Jimmy Carter
    Longest by time Bill Clinton
    (claimed to be do to all the long interruptions to applaud

  2. I’m not watching. I only watched part of one several years ago, and I made the mistake of playing the Obama drinking game where you take a drink every time he says “I”. I think I passed out before the twenty minute mark. I can’t stand the sound of his stammering, droning voice, anyway.

  3. “The Arse of the Deal.”

    Your Highness, we will empty Gitmo and return all of your freedom fighters in exchange for our two boats and ten sailors.

    Very magnanimous of you Ms. Kerry, but you might add 1.5 billion US Dollars.

    How about 0ne Billion dollars, your Highness?

    How about 1.25 Billion ?

    OK your Highness, let’s not haggle, agreed.

    Agreed. I must now bring this before the elders, get back to me in a month Ms. Kerry.

    Thank you kindly,your Highness.

  4. According to the talking heads on radio /TV, he won’t be asking Congress for anything

    (ha, I think he is signaling it’s Pen & a Phone the rest of the way since he knows they lack the cajones to stop him or agree with his actions)

    No , he is supposed to promote his vision for America. A pep talk to the demorats to accelerate his legacy into the future.

    Who would want to listen to that drivel ?

  5. That’s OK, no offense taken. He was a Vietnam veteran, all right, but the “alleged” part applies to the THREE (count ’em, 3) Purple Hearts he received for what were essentially Band-Aid injuries. Or so they say. I wasn’t there, so I can’t argue much about it.

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