The Anus Monologues – IOTW Report

The Anus Monologues

Ann Coulter-

Unable to comment on the “Duck Dynasty” controversy last week due to my hectic Kwanzaa schedule, I am able to sweep in at the end and comment on the commentary.

GLAAD instantly condemned Robertson’s totally accurate rendition of Holy Scripture as “vile.” With refreshing originality, CNN’s Piers Morgan called Robertson a “vile bigot.”

The anus monologues

And it’s not just “vile” to cite Holy Scripture. Evidently, it’s also vile not to appreciate the joys of anal sex.

What seemed to set liberals off as much as Robertson’s Biblical summaries was his statement that he doesn’t find anal sex appealing. He said:

“It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

So now, not only do we all have to support gay marriage, gay wedding cakes and gay soldiers — but we also have to agree that anal sex sounds peachy! It’s like being denounced for saying you prefer vanilla ice cream to chocolate.

To paraphrase an old Jewish line: This is not good for the gays.

Gays have gone from being the bullied to the bullies — a modern American phenomenon detailed in my book “Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America.”

Yes, we know you used to be unfairly victimized. But being beaten up for being gay is simply not the same as having to endure hearing someone opine that anal sex isn’t his cup of tea.


27 Comments on The Anus Monologues

  1. Lessee…Piers has blasted off a few rounds on an AR-15 to prove how evil it is, and he’s taken some cricket pitches to the body to prove…something. And Katie Couric had a colonoscopy on TV to show us the wonders of medical technology.

    I’m thinking Piers needs to take it up the ass on camera to prove his professed homophilia.

  2. I’m danish by descent, and most interested in my heritage. I am drawn to books, movies and subjects Danish. (even some actors)

    I told my daughter that if I was being inundated with Danish subjects in every way possible, I would just have to rebel the same way I rebelled years ago against all things homosexual or lesbian (I refuse to use the word gay in the perverted way it is now used).

    I am sick to death of perfectly fine movies and TV shows having the obligatory gay character or plot line or even an aside reference included. Books I can vet, but being blindsided is why I often remove a show from my viewing list forever.

    I really think there may be more Danes in the U.S. than homosexuals, though they are obviously not concentrated in the power centers of media.

  3. And I am still of the mind that this unprecedented push for the worship of homosexuality, coupled with the aggressive public pillorying of those who state their disapproval of homosexual behavior, is being made to prep the battlefield for the inevitable outing of Barack Obama.

    The MSM has proven that there is no task too great for them to undertake in service to his needs, which include suppressing the truth about Donald Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer.

  4. It’s not just the anal sex that’s unappealing.

    Just imagine some bearded dude beating off while chugging some hairy dude’s cock with a couple fingers inserted up his ass, they’ve got straps tightened around their necks and the hairy dude is pulling them tighter.

  5. The wise latina.
    The nebulous negro.
    The sensitive, thoughtful homosexual.
    The evil capitalist.
    The noble indian.
    The peaceful muslim.

    I’m really sick of this bullshit stereotypical ram-it-down-yer-throat and up-yer-ass nonsensical 2-dimensional cartoonish bullshit Hollyweird Madison Ave bullshit … uhhh … did I say bullshit?

  6. Maybe if they hide the “marriage” ceremony in the Rose Parade, you know, PLENTY of flowers, the folks won’t see them pushing the proverbial envelope. Could have used something else there to describe the ‘push’, but didn’t want to Obama (lower) myself this go around. What’s that smell?

  7. Anal sex is too clean for the gay crowd. It’s like doing it missionary style with the lights off for 20 years.

    Erotic asphyxiation and fellatio graphically defines their deviance.

  8. Oaks “comment” is exactly what comes to most peoples minds whenever “gay” people stand up and start swishing….

    Hey dumbasses! Wanna hear about my hetero sexual exploits? Didn’t think so – neither do I want to hear about yours.

    For ALL people: keep whatever your sexual preferences are private! That’s how a polite society works best; not by one point of view being crammed down the throat of those who differ.

  9. @Roadmaster;
    Average citizen: “But I’m not gay”.
    Reply from the PTB: “You are now”..
    At the very least, expecting the majority to (ahem) lay down for their cause.
    Decrease procreative processes of course.

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