The Art of the Deal – Japanese Bank Meets With Trump, Willing to Invest 50 Billion and 50,000 Jobs With U.S. – IOTW Report

The Art of the Deal – Japanese Bank Meets With Trump, Willing to Invest 50 Billion and 50,000 Jobs With U.S.

I’m liking this humiliation of Barack Obama.

The protestors on inauguration day are going to look like jackazzes.

What exactly are they protesting? The increase in jobs? The increase in the stock market? The general mood of the country and the optimism?

Or is it the myth that he’s a bigot and a racist and islamophobic and a misogynist? And how are these “isms,” if they are true, effecting the average American?


19 Comments on The Art of the Deal – Japanese Bank Meets With Trump, Willing to Invest 50 Billion and 50,000 Jobs With U.S.

  1. But but but the environment and the polar bears and the snail darters and the infectious crap that pours across our borders – what will they do? When will all this hate end?

    Trump won’t be President for another five or six weeks and already the Christmas Cha-Ching Bells are ringing.

  2. I hope to God he goes hardcore conservative on everything,and leaves the left in a continuous Linda Blair, head spinning, vomit ejecta on each other, gnashing of fangs. Payback.

  3. ABC news (yeah, I know. Why was it on in my house. Wife likes it. What can I do?) is already throwing cold water on this as lacking in specifics. And for good measure they bashed the Carrier deal and his tweets about AF1. Bottom line is he will get credit for nothing with the alphabet crowd over the next four years. Hold on tight. This shit is just getting started.

  4. Not to say I told you so or anything, but when we were still wrestling with the Trump/Cruz as a candidate I said Trump will start our economy moving again before he even takes office. I have not seen as much enthusiasm since Reagan.

  5. I remember going on the Davy Crockett boat ride at Disneyland as a teen. My friend and I were strong canoers, so we decided to backwater as hard as we could. We nearly brought the canoe to a stop, until the guide said ‘stop dragging your paddles.’ Stop dragging? We were paddling in reverse as hard as we could!
    And that’s what 0bama has been doing for the past 8 years. It’s a huge economy, and he can’t entirely prevent it from growing. But he sure is trying, as hard as he can.

  6. There are two policy initiatives cracking heads against each other. For the the past eight years I cried “Fuck, no!”. Now I seem to be saying, “Fuck, yea”. And the one thing I learned is that I really need to clean up my language.

  7. AA, Obamas biggest crime against this country is the theft of wealth and the destruction of some of us that were We’ll to do before he took office. And I’m pissed. I built up s very successful small business once. And now I gotta do it again.

  8. BB — And you will, too. Let your anger drive you. And know that this time you are not working against the uncovered forces that stole your livelihood and business. Trump knows exactly who the forces are. He’s playing them like a (as Tom Barrack put it) a Steinway.

  9. BB — If you have a chance listen to the Bannon speech I linked on another thread — “Bannon lays out his AMAZING political philosophy.” In it he, correctly, states that obama isn’t the (only) problem, he is merely a symptom of something that has been going on for decades. obama was just one in a long line of globalist marionettes. Albeit, obama was a lot more obvious.

  10. AA, I only have one direction. Forward. Doesn’t take a lot to keep me happy but it bothers me when the wifey can’t get to sleep at night from worry. Having said that, it’s once again time to get aggressive.

  11. BB — You are a small business that is the template for everything Trump is fighting for. Pretty soon you’ll be complaining you are too swamped with work! 🙂

    You’ll call him up and say, “Mr. President! We need to stop winning so much! I’m tired. I want to take a vacation!” And he’ll say, “No! We’re not going to stop winning! Get back to work, Brad!!”


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