The Battle of Athens, Tennessee – IOTW Report

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

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The next time someone on the left declares that you don’t need guns to protect yourself from your own government, ask if they’ve ever heard of the Battle of Athens, in 1946.

More Here and Here

h/t Michael Knowles Show




19 Comments on The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

  1. saw this in a comment somewhere and found its simplicity eloquent
    “fearing the local deer population might suddenly become tyrannical, the founding fathers hastily drafted the 2nd amendment”

  2. I got pulled over in Athens twenty years ago. Cop was trying to hide his black doors and bubble gum machines behind a huge spreading oak tree. I spotted him a quarter mile away and checked to make sure I was doing the speed limit. I was, but he pulled me over anyway. I was driving a rental from Georgia, and he was looking hard for something to hang on me. He finally gave me a ticket for speeding in a school zone. In July . On a Sunday. Some things never change, I reckon.

  3. The establishment control at the National Level needs the same scrutiny.
    FBI and DOJ … if you control the evidence you control the outcome. Hillary and Lois Lerner agree.

    BS Investigations and BS hearings.

    Where are the Grand Juries, indictments and prosecutions?

    Or will they all get the establishment umbrella of protection and a big retirement package?

  4. @Thirdtwin: You should have told the cop you were driving a rental from Athens, Georgia
    and that it was a sister city to Athens, Tennessee. Maybe he would have cut you a break.

    Hey – anything’s worth a try.


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