The Biden Smile Says It All – IOTW Report

The Biden Smile Says It All

ht/ woody

27 Comments on The Biden Smile Says It All

  1. Laugh & celebrate now, lefties. This entire shambolic display is going to come back & bite each & every one of you fucktards right in your smug, pompous asses. You reap what you sow.

  2. That was a smile from Satan. He thinks he has us fooled that he is a doddering old fool. Well, he is, but his true self sold out to Satan years ago. This was a glimpse into his black soul that will forever be in torment with absolutely no mirth, not even that evil smile will give him comfort.

  3. Nobody’s home.
    Input: Presser, podium, shouted questions…
    Robotic and trained response.
    Output: walk away and smile.
    Reward for correct response: ice cream.

  4. The left are like Satan at the cross.

    They think they’ve won but they really lost because of it.

    Claudia, I’m not so sure about the foolin’ part.

    I think he gets off on ram roddng people right to their face whether fooled or not. Doing it and knowing that we know we are being screwed, probably get some sexually excited.

    Like a robber on the street getting turned on during the robbery. The victim certainly knows what’s going on.

    He’s both stupid and evil. Stupevil, if you will.

  5. Satan smiles like that all the time. Also, notice his eyes are pitch black. Obvious evidence he’s possessed by the devil.
    Yes, Biden is a true demoniac disciple of the prince of darkness and father of lies – a defeated foe who is NOT in control. God is in control.

  6. That stupid smirk is the true Nitwit. Mean, petty, envious, and moronic.

    Considering what racists both are, he and Zippy were a match made in Hell. He’s too stupid to realize it, but he just created this year’s Basket of Deplorables.


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