The Bloom Is Off the “Diversity” Rose For Some in Corporate America – IOTW Report

The Bloom Is Off the “Diversity” Rose For Some in Corporate America

Daily Wire

Corporate America dialed back overall enthusiasm for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, also known as DEI, according to research from Glassdoor.

The company review platform found that 41% of workplaces offered diversity programs as a benefit, a decline from 43% in 2021. Enthusiasm for such programs rose after the death of George Floyd and a resultant surge in social justice activism; 39% of companies offered diversity programs in 2020, compared to 29% in 2019. More

9 Comments on The Bloom Is Off the “Diversity” Rose For Some in Corporate America

  1. The corp. I work for went off the DEI deep end. It’s pathetic. People you would expect to lead a corp. and be concerned with true business activities are running around in circles over this DEI crap, rainbow and BLM celebrations, and social media virtue signaling lectures. It truly is nauseating. Only three more years before I get to slide down the dinosaur tail for the last time. It can’t come soon enough!

  2. A few yrs ago the company Mr. Beachmom works for told them directly they would not be hiring white men. They would hire for diversity.
    They kept their word and they go through employees more than ever.

  3. Judge them by the content of their character (and their ability to do their jobs) not by the color of their skin … or their sexual preference … or perversion … or sex … or height … or weight … or number (and quality) of tattoos …

    But those days died with Martin Luther King.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I have a novel idea… let’s start hiring people because they are the most qualified for the job! That way companies can become more profitable, employees will be happier and more productive, stock prices will improve and you can fire all those gender, equity, equality assholes and everybody wins.

  5. I’d rather eat the barrel of a gun than acknowledge the stolen land I’m on before giving or hearing a speech to or from any of these buffoons. No wait, I’d rather shoot everyone in the room, THEN eat the gun. Goofs.

  6. Just like “homelessness”, “climate change”, “mask up!”, blah, blah, blah, . . . DEI is very big business. Consultants, training manuals/materials, booking meeting space in hotels, air fare for everyone to get there. Then there’s the follow-up, creating metrics, auditing metrics; all very specialized pieces, you know. Then there’s all the academic and professional credentialing needed for consultants and trainers, and don’t forget “training the trainers” workshops. All that takes a credentialing body — and if not yet, a governmental licensing process (aside from the one to do biz with the GSA, et al) — to oversee any kind of testing and licensing.

    DEI is a vertical services model start-up that procured Big Gov’t angel money through connections Big Academia had with them. It’s a very sophisticated version of an unnecessary solution seeking (and fabricating) it’s own problems. And the unkindest cut of all is that taxpaying citizens not only pay for it, they also get fined and dragged through the courts over it. People who consume any product or service from companies (and gov’t) who institute this junk also pay to cover the companies’ costs of doing so.

    I just posted a website link here the other day, a company called RTI, whose booming business is to roll-out this nonsense. And their business is looking mighty prosperous.

  7. I worked for ExxonMobil for 32 years. At one point during that time, it was not only the largest oil company in the US, it was the most profitable company in US history. Rex Tillerson changed all that with his stupid mismanagement. After my retirement in 2013, the company started replacing operators like me with young, black, single mothers. They didn’t know the difference between a valve and a vulva. The company literally had to have experienced operators babysit them for a year just to teach them how to do their job. Back when young men had fathers, they learned most of the skills needed to be successful in that environment from them. These young, black, single moms didn’t have a clue. The jobs were shift work and they paid very well. Because the plant ran 24/7, you had to be extremely dependable on a consistent basis because every day that you worked, you were relieving someone so they could go home. The young, black, single moms just didn’t seem to be able to be there to make relief. It was always a last-minute excuse like my baby’s sick or my baby-daddy didn’t show up to watch my baby or I gots to get my baby out of jail or I don’t feel good. The poor bastards who were dependable racked up the overtime, but there is only so much before you begin to revolt and production suffers. ExxonMobil stupidly thought they were righting wrongs by putting young, black, single moms into great paying jobs that would get them out of the dependency of the welfare system. The problem is that those young, black, single moms had already made their beds and it was too late for them to do anything about it. LBJ really did a number on the black family. That’s the price you pay for free stuff. Rot in hell, LBJ!

  8. In reply to Dr. Hambone, we have a similar problem here in western Canada, but it the Indian/indigenous population. They have what is called in HR terms “a loose attachment to the workplace.” That means sometimes they show up but more often not, they do not. Poor white people are like that as well. You are so correct, that it all starts with the nuclear family in which the parents display the work ethic and there is a respect for education.


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